Chapter Twelve

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I sat on the green grass right next to the house that was still partying hard. I didn't feel much better but I no longer had to vomit. Damien didn't run out after me like I imagined, I was stupid enough to believe in having romance, like this was my story where I get what I want. I fell for a stupid possessive jerk, I ignored the red flags but maybe I'm over reacting.. I mean we aren't even dating.

None of it was real.

"I figured I'd find you cowering somewhere around here. Didn't make it far" my brother Craven said annoyed as he stood in front of me. Oh just my luck, I hadn't seen him at the party much so I was hoping he'd spare me of his wrath.

"What are you gonna do beat me up? Go ahead" I mumbled slumping on my back in the grass, ready to take on any beating that was to come my way.

"I told you to stay away from Damien. Your little fight in there was amusing, I was hoping he'd sock you good" he said with a clearly forced laugh.

"Oh great did you hear ?" I asked in a flat voice, it was hard to feel anything at all, I just felt like nothing and everything at the same time.
I was just numb.

"No it was to loud and everything you said sounded like hieroglyphs" he muttered and surprisingly enough he sat next to me.

"That's good" I said weakly, looking at the stars. I had no clue what I was looking at or searching for but it was something to focus on.

"I thought if I scared you enough, you'd take a hint and be quiet till school ended. I should've known you were a dumb ass" he said as if rubbing salt into my wound.

"I get it Craven you hate me. I'm really sorry for whatever you think I did" I bit at him sourly, if I had the strength I would've thrown a punch or two. Not like it'd do much.

"I don't hate you onyx. You don't understand how dangerous Damien is and half the kids here are and there families." He said now sounding like he was the one dumped, not that I was but it felt like it.

"The hell do you mean?" I asked weakly sitting up to look at him, I was sobering up quick now. Realizing this was an actual conversation with my brother, one I hadn't had ever.

"Dad wanted you to get along with every one here, he wants to get you into the family business. The fact you made goody with Damien, something I never could do, proves you'll be useful to him." He explained to me and I was confused, what the hell is he going on about?!

"And what is the fucking family business Craven?" I asked in complete shock, he's acting like I should know this already.

"That's the dangerous part you moron. After you stabbed that kid dad saw you differently, he figured you were like him" he continued as if it was something weighing on his mind, and my eyes widened at him.

The stabbing incident, thats what forced me to move in with my father. I had endured bullying from a dude who tricked me into thinking he was interested in me; I don't want to go into details but they did something that went to far and I.... I almost killed him. If they hadn't pulled me off of him and called a teacher... I would've been a murder.

I stabbed him I don't know how many times, and it might seem cruel but I don't feel wrong for what I did and that's what scares me the most.

"Just what does dad do? I thought he was just rich-" I explained and he bit his lip and clenched his fist as if he was annoyed; like he didn't want to tell me. He couldn't tell me all this then expect me not to wonder what the hell was so dangerous.

"All I know, is you need to keep to yourself and stay away from the family business and everyone connected to it. I won't have you take my place as the heir Onyx, you might be the older brother but I'm not giving shit to you" he said angry then looked at something in front of us and went silent. I moved my head to see what he was looking at and there stood Damien looking like the lost puppy I knew him for. Craven stood up and eyed me.

"Take my advice and listen" was the last thing he said to me as he stood up and passed by Damien. There was so much going on tonight that I just wanted to rest and cool my head. Organize my thoughts but now that Damien stood there looking at me like now he wanted to talk with me I realized I wouldn't get that.

"What do you want Damien" I said standing up myself, my head slightly pounded but not enough to make me feel sick. I think I threw up most of the alcohol that was sitting in my stomach earlier.

"That girl. She's my fiancé" he said curtly and my eyes widened at him and me eyebrow twitched in anger.

Obviously smart ass?!

"But it's arranged, I don't like her and I don't plan on getting married to her. It's just to keep my father quiet for now" He then continued as he walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder to help me keep still, I hadn't even noticed I was having trouble standing.

"An arranged- what are you a prince? That's so old fashioned" was the first thing I could say, and he gave me a small smile. He had cooled down considerably since we last spoke in the house.

"My family is very traditional. I accepted the arrangement because I didn't think I'd ever meet you again." He explained and and held both my hand and interlaced them with his, my face went red and I wanted to forgive him so bad. So it was all a big misunderstanding- but it didn't excuse how he lashed out at me.

Wait- meet me again?

"What do you mean again? Damien you need to tell me what you mean and I'm not gonna take silence for an answer anymore" I said seriously and he looked at me blankly and squeezed my hands. I was sick of this secret he was keeping from me, no more lies I couldn't take it.

"Fine, but not now. Let's head back first" he mumbled, why didn't he want to tell me? It was getting confusing. I get information from my brother that he doesn't hate me and he's trying to warn me from some sort of explained danger and  Damien says he's in some type of 1700s predicament with an arranged marriage and another secret he's keeping. All of this because I went to some stupid rugby game, maybe they aren't as fun as I thought.

"Fine, but you need to apologize for what you said to me in that house, I didn't choose Ramos over you; you were ignoring me!" I bit at him as he typed something into his phone but still held one of my hands that did in fact make my face heat up.

He glanced at me now looking annoyed and clicked his tongue, he moved his face close to mine and kissed my cheek and I almost yelled at the sensation. How many moods can he fit into 5 seconds?

"I was jealous. I don't want you liking him more then me" he states bluntly and I almost passed out, has he always been direct with his feelings? Ok that was a stupid question.

"H-hey! I only like him as a friend, your different. I like you like a..." I trailed off now embarrassed, I was gonna say boyfriend; like out loud! Maybe the alcohol hasn't totally left my system.

"A... what?" He said with a faint ghost of a smirk on his lips.

"A.... none of your business" I muttered and he actually let out a boyish small laugh which I marveled at; I'd never actually heard him laugh like that- at all really.  He noticed I was basically ogling him and covered his face slightly and I could see by the faint of moonlight blush on his ears and... blood on his knuckles?

"Damien is that blood?" I asked suspiciously and he dropped his hand and looked at me with his classic poker face as a sleek black car
pulled up.

"No, now let's go." He said dismissing me immediately.

Hopefully this wasn't too much to take in! A lot of these chapters might be rushed sorry

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