Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Warning this chapter contains rated 18 material. You will not miss anything important story wise by skipping this chapter*

His mouth was on mine as he raked his hands underneath my shirt, ripping it off. I felt exhilarated and overwhelmed by the attack of skin on skin. He pressed his lower half against mine and a nervous feeling pooled in my stomach.

It was embarrassing to be a grown man and to never had sex. I never could pull myself to go all the way, I just couldn't get hard when all I could think about is Damien and the guilt feeling that burrowed inside of me. Even though I owed him nothing, I felt like I had to give him my everything. So because of Damien I've been a virgin this whole time, becoming busy with work to fight off the lonely feeling.

He kissed my neck and I moaned and tried to fight off the noises by covering my mouth as he kissed my neck and unbuckled my pants. He slipped them off and I grew anxious that I wasn't doing enough, I used my hand and felt for his pants to unbutton and unzip him; my cock throbbed as I could feel his hard member pressing against his pants as I did so. He was hard as a rock and it showed as I released it from pants; still covered by a thin layer of underwear I could still see how huge he was. Bigger then I remember that's for sure.

He rubbed his thinly covered cock against my own, are bodies rubbing together as we kissed; our tongues entwined. I felt his hand slip under my thigh pushing my legs back as he slipped off my underwear. I grew incredibly embarrassed, he could see it all.

I instinctively covered myself, cupping my hard cock in my hands, as much as they could cover at least. He sat up straight to marvel at me, eyeing my body as his eyes swirled with something sinful.

"Breathtaking" he murmured and I couldn't have but nervously retort from the embarrassment.

"I'm sure you say that to everyone" I replied cheekily and he grabbed my hands to pry them off my cock. I struggled against him and tried to close my legs but he was already in-between them.

"I've never laid with anybody to do so" he said kissing the palms of my hands and I went into full shock, steam coming out of my ears. I felt like I was in high school again with him, his straight to the point romance always managed to get me riled up. Though I found it hard to believe he stayed pure this whole time, maybe he was saying it to build up my ego.

"We're you waiting for me?" I asked softly and he smiled as his hand grazed against my cock, grabbing it slightly and thumbed the shaft which made me arch my back in anticipation.

"You already know" he said slipping his hand to the bedside to pull out some type of lubricant, he popped it open with one hand and poured it sloppily onto my lower half making me squirm. I tried to kick him in protest from the coldness and I could see a sly smirk as I could see he was enjoying this. I could see where this was going and I was glad I took a shower before coming.

"Hey stop it! That's cold- AH" I yelled as I felt a finger slip inside me, deep inside me. I couldn't believe he had put his fingers in... down there. I know that's proper etiquette but to think I was here with Damien doing it seemed unimaginable.

Also why am I the bottom right off the bat?!

"That's embarrassing... stop" I protested again and he leaned down to kiss my chest as he added a second finger which he pumped into me making me grab onto him tight  pressing him closer to my chest as he bit my nipple, pulling it softly.

"S-slow down, I'm not used to this" I said truthfully as he looked up at me. I had tried to date, but being gay in the mafia scene there weren't as many suitors I could find and I never could get passed that final stage. Farthest I'd gone is a blow job- it's humilating to even think about.

"I want you now" he murmured against my neck biting it softly, I felt another finger added and I instinctively raised my thighs and arched my back. His long thick fingers ravaging my insides, it stung slightly but I was getting used to the feeling. I tried to gain the upper hand and felt over his underwear clawing it down as best as I could to reveal his member. My fingers grazed the shaft and he gave a growl, his fingers slipping out of me. I was going to try and slow him down by giving him a hand job but he went straight to pushing my legs all the way back making it impossible to reach him. His cock now poked and rubbed against my sensitive hole and I turned flushed red. Is he really going to put that thing inside me?

"Don't tease me, you don't how long I've dreamed to fuck you. To make you mine" he looked angry almost, overwhelmed by lust and anxiousness he moved his hips slightly and made my legs rest against his shoulders where he kissed and nipped at my skin that me jerk my hips up.

"I wonder just how you held back in highschool" I cheekily awnsered not putting my guard down, I didn't want to seem like I was so swayed by him. I was letting him see every part of my body when just days ago I was cursing his name, I couldn't help the effect he had on me.

He used his hand to hold his cock and press into my hole, I held my breath paralyzed. Preparing myself mentally for his massive cock; this is gonna hurt a lot that thing is huge. Despite it all I wanted it, my lower half twitched in anticipation at thought, I wanted him to fuck me senseless.

"Fuck me" I said breathlessly and he instantly leaned into driving his rod inside me; my mouth gasped and i arched my back rubbing my chest against his. Tears sprung into my eyes at the sting of pain but nothing I couldn't handle. He held me tight as he buried himself inside me, kissing me softly our lips moved together. He waited a couple seconds before moving slowly into me, I held him for dear life from the feeling groaning slightly at the pain but also the tinge of pleasure that was starting to form.

"Your so tight, relax" he said biting my ear lobe and I smacked him on his back, he definitely wasn't helping me relax.

"Not my fault your so biIIIIGGgg" I couldn't contain the moan as he pulled out and slammed right in me, I grabbed his hair to make him look at me and he had the most devious look on his face; one I never had seen before. He stared to pump into me faster and I felt the sensation build up inside of me as my legs no wrapped around his waist keeping him to me.

"I'm not even fully in" he whispered as his hand grasped my cock and rubbed it up and down timing it with his thrusts, saliva dripped out my mouth as I found it hard to keep my mouth closed at the feeling; I could feel his tongue lick up my spit and I couldn't even reprimand him due to the hot burning sensation that was coursing through me.

"Stop ah" I begged as the feelings of release were bubbling up but he just went harder and faster, I finally came when I felt him somehow get deeper and bigger inside me; he stopped as I panted my own cum painting my chest. I don't think I can do much more, my energy had been sucked out by him.

"Fuck you" I breathed out, as he eyed my naked and tired form, his tongue licked up the fluids and I tried to stop him but he grabbed my hands and once again started moving inside me.

"Wait a second..." I tried to get out and her slammed into me making it hard to finish my sentence.

"I have to finish inside you" was all he said and my eye's widened, what is he some sort of animal?! He pumped into me as if he was starved, maybe it was all these years of separation but it was unrelenting.

"Don't you dare" I told him and he shut me up with his tongue as he continued, it was too late to stop him when I felt the hot liquid shoot inside me, filling me up to the brim. He finally pulled out and I tried kicking him with as much energy I could muster.

"You bastard you came in me" I argued wincing as it dripped out of my sensitive hole, he thumbed the rim to see the damage and I saw his cock that was soft rise from the grave; I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"The night isn't over" he said with a dangerous smirk.

Ummmmm yea sex scene time. Hahaha this was so embarrassing to write but I hope it was enjoyable, I like smut I'm just not the best at writing it .

Hope you enjoy \^^/ and I'll see you next Sunday 😏☀️

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