Chapter Two

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I hadn't realize how tired I was till I laid on the bed and fell asleep within seconds. I dreamt a bit, of grey eyes, and the sound of cheering and a large field that I was standing on. It didn't make much sense and I couldn't figure it out, I woke right up when I heard a door slam.

I sat up suddenly, terrified and confused from the loud noise. My eyes that slowly adjusted to the light, centered on a man, tall, shirtless and extremely well built. Grey eyes and slicked back hair- it was the dude from the field, the one I kept ogling.

No way is he my roommate.

He stared at me for a few seconds, but said nothing as he walked to his side of the bed. He threw his shirt he held in his hands into a basket located in the corner of the room. Then sat on his bed, laying down arms folded behind his head and eyes closed.

I took this chance to stare at him, he was sweaty and it didn't seem like he took a shower. It was... super hot; my face was flushed red. I usually never got flustered like this, over some random dudes body, but this guy was way different.

He looked like a model; I'm pretty sure he is one!

"Ah, hello... my name is onyx, nice to meet you?" I said to him, sitting on the edge of my bed. I was unsure if I should even say anything to him, I never made conversation first but it would be awkward if I didn't say anything at all.

Seconds past and he didn't say anything, was he ignoring me? My eye brow twitched, of course, a meat head is still a meat head, rude and cocky as hell.

"Dick" I muttered under my breath reaching for my dresser next to my bed, I hadn't thought he heard me because I didn't realize I had said it out loud.

"What did you say?" His deep voice questioned and it made me jump, literally, to my feet. My head whipped to look at him, the boy hadn't moved and inch but his grey eyes were snapped open, eyeing me.

This dude could split me half, in many ways- no onyx get your head out of the gutter.

"Nothing, slip of the tongue- bye" I spit out, with an uneasy laugh backing up towards the door and then quickly escaping the room.

Did I really just call him a dick?! When he was right there?? What am I thinking!

I blinked now in the hallway knowing I can't return to my room for awhile. I looked up and down and saw I wasn't the only one out here. A few boys were talking as they walked, and there was actually quite a lot of noise going on.

Maybe I should ask someone where the bathrooms are?

I felt a grip on the back of my jacket and whipped my head quickly to see who it was, I grimaced when I saw it was my half brother. I didn't even get a word out till he slammed me against the opposite wall from my room, his arm pressed against my neck. He was taller then me by a few inches and damn did he pack a punch.

"Make sure you don't fuck things up for me here f*g, when you see me you look down, keep to yourself, if not I'll tell the whole school what you did in your last school" he growled out in a whisper so only I could hear, basically choking me. Ah yes our brotherly reunion, was this the so called bonding the principal mentioned?

"Y-yea" I croaked in pain but refused to claw his arm off my neck in case he threw a punch next. He finally let off my neck and I slid down the wall, having trouble catching my breath.

He walked off and I sighed heavily, I hadnt realized the whole hall way grew quiet unlike before. Was that bastard just waiting for me to leave my room so he could bully me? Threatening to expose me, how did he even know what happened? Father must've told him seeing as it wasn't in the news.

"Oh I see Craven got to you, he always roughs up the newbies" my eyes looked up to see the kid that threw me the ball earlier, Ramos was it? I rubbed my neck ignoring him, so I'm not his only victim; not surprised. I felt the dude grab me by my arm to help me up on my feet, I didn't ask but I guess I appreciate the gesture.

"Well hopefully this is his last threat" I mumbled, theres no way this dude knows we're brothers. Though he seems close with him.

"We'll see, it gets him going to pick on weaker guys like you" he said patting my back, as if that reassured me.

"Thanks I guess" I mumbled, not sure what to say to this dude.

"You know your way around here?" He asked walking a head of me and on instinct I followed.

"No, I was going to look for the bathroom" I replied rubbing my sore neck.

"Shit I'll show you, your names Onyx right? Mines Ramos, rely on me for help around here" he said shoving his hands in his basketball shorts.

"Your extra nice for someone who's friends with that dude" I muttered and he laughed, I usually wasn't as sarcastic with his type but he seemed laid back enough.

"Well I feel sorry for you, being new here and all. That and the fact your shacked up with Damien, I was sure you'd walk out of your room bloodied and beaten." He laughed and my eyebrows furrowed, what?


"Because Damien is a cold stone killer bro, he'll fuck up any kid who gets within 5 meters of him. I thought he'd be pissed he had to share a room, but I guess he isn't too mad" he explained and I shivered slightly. This dude has to be over exaggerating, I called him a dick and he didn't even do anything; not like I gave him enough time to.

"Then what do I do to not get on his bad side?" I asked, realizing I'm in the worst position possible.

"Keep low, keep quiet and keep out of his business"

Ramos had shown me around more in depth then the principal had. He showed me the showers that weren't so private and the bathrooms that scatter the dorms. Then it came lunch time, Ramos said I could sit with him and his 'friends', said craven would be cool with it if he said I was with him; but I knew that wouldn't be true so I declined. I just lied to him and said I have to unfinished packing now that Damien isn't in the room anymore.

I returned back to my dorm room, which was empty and vacant. I didn't bother going to the showers because i was tired, and wanted to go back to sleep before Damien got back. If I want to die I want to die in my sleep.

My stomach growled and I ignored it, I pulled a hair tie from my dresser and tied my bangs back, so I could actually see. My hair was a messy black mess that I usually let cover my face, people have always made unesacaeey comments about my appearance, it caused attention so I did my best to hide it.

I stretched and took off my pants and then my shirt, I feel like it's going to be a rocky road from here on out. So I should keep low, and make sure I stay out of everyones way. If I get kicked out of this place, where would I go? Certainly not to live with my father.

My body went frigid as the rooms door opened and my head slowly turned towards it. My hand was on the ridge of my boxers, but I was frozen stone cold not moving an inch. My thoughts hoped it was Ramos or hell even Craven.

It was neither.

Damien who walked in, now had a shirt on, looked at me with that same intense stare. He looked me up and down and I held my breath, whats he doing? Is he gonna beat me up for being semi nude in front of him-

He stepped towards me and I jumped back falling on my bed. I leaned back staring at him, he was scowling and he was pretty fucking intimidating and hot. He didn't say anything, but he lifted something in front of my face.

A Twinkie?

"Take it" he said curtly, it was a demand so I didn't refuse. I took it from his hands awkwardly, and gave him a nervous smile.

"Thanks?" I said, my cheeks turning red. Did he really give me a Twinkie? Am I actually asleep... this must be a dream.

He didn't reply and he left the room. I let out a breath I was holding in. Was Ramos fucking with me about him? He might be weird but he seems...ok?

I sighed and opened up the sweet, at least I have something to eat now.

Chapter 2! I hope you all enjoy, and if you see any misspellings please let me know!!

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