Chapter Twenty Nine

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TW extreme violence; I will put a marker after the violent part is over

It was a bit of a blur kidnapping the man, Damien did it all- he insisted on it. All he really did was sneak up behind him and bash him on the back of the skull. Knocked him clean out. Now he was tied up to a chair in a dimly lit basement like we were in a saw film.

"You think he'll talk" I asked and Damien arms were crossed. We had shoved him in the trunk and drove him over to Damien's place of residency. So here I was at my enemies home;  interrogating somebody in his basement. He lived in a large house- way too extravagant that it didn't really fit his image.

"Damien who is this kid" said the man who had been standing behind us with his arms crossed he looked familiar- I think he was the guy in that interrogation tape. The man proclaimed he was Damien's right hand man and uncle, he definitely was shocked at my appearance at first, enough for me to think that he knew I was a Giotto- but I was wrong. I think he's actually surprised he brought a 'friend' home.

"Onyx, he's not a kid" he spoke and I rolled my eyes, he's defensive over the smallest stuff.

"Ah the man you're obsessed with-" he continued and Damien placed a hand on the mans soldier that made him shut up immediately. Obsessed seems to be a bit harsh of a word.

"Go upstairs." he growled out, and the man gave a heavy sigh, seemingly not wanting to argue with him.

"Fine, but just know he shouldn't be here. This is a mistake." He said seriously and there was a tense air that was around them as the stared at each other. The uncle finally broke contact and headed out.

"Your uncle seems.. a lot like you" I said truthfully.

"I disagree" he responded and raised his hand and smacked the man across the face. It was a loud enough noise that made even me flinch.

The man groggily groaned, eyes fluttering awake. It took him a realize to figure out where he was- and when it did click he started to wiggle in the chair that contained him- clearly afraid and confused.

"Let me out you bastards" the man spat out groggily, enraged but still defenseless and vulnerable. I looked at the tools laid out and my fingers traced over them. He stopped to get a good look at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I should've known you were a fucking nark, some suave kid looking to give intel my nuts" he said and spit at my feet. I didn't react much, but Damien did the opposite and punched the man right in the stomach. Jesus someone get this man a punching bag, the man coughed hard as if he was about to hack up his liver.

"We'll let you out when you tell us who your collecting information for" I said picking up a pair of pliers; I had gotten used to torturing people since craven couldn't handle anything past a punch and a kick. Even though he beat me up once in highschool- at some point he got over his frat boy testosterone and started getting queezy at the sound of people screaming.

"I told you, the Arifs. That's who I work for" he lied.

I held his hand tight to the armchair chair, tighter then it already was as he was roped down. I placed the pliers at the tip of his finger nail and started too pull.

"You better tell the truth, because after your out of nails I'm going straight to the teeth" I spoke with a straight face as I started to pull even harder, the man roared in pain and shook trying to stop me.

"I'm telling you the truth, you don't have proof I'm lying" he growled out, and I cleanly ripped his finger nail off and it dropped onto the floor. He howled in pain and started throwing profanities left and right.

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