Chapter Ten

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I sat on the bleachers along with- hell the whole school was here! Not only the school but a lot of outsiders too, such as people from rival schools and a lot of girls as well. I didn't see many parents and certainly not my father which I thought was good, but I wondered if Craven would be disappointed that he wasn't here. I don't remember them interacting much as a kid, Craven was mostly doted on by his mother and his maids but never his father.

I sat on the lower bleachers right by where the Wellington Wolves were going to be sitting at. They were still in the lockers and getting ready I suppose; I don't really know anything about this sport. I sat alone mostly, the only friends I had were going to be on the field so it was kinda awkward to be by myself. I wish Damien didn't convince me to come here, actually more like blackmailed me. It was chilly and getting dark as the flood lights turned on, it was kinda exciting and I wondered if I'd be able to cheer them on without embarrassing myself.

The announcer started to speak and the crowd screamed when the players ran onto the field, some waving as they were introduced. I spotted  Damien and Ramos immediately and Ramos waved to me, but Damien didn't wave he just looked at me and gave what I thought to be a smile. They came over to the bleacher by me and they sat down and continued to discuss most likely game related stuff, some members ran to what it seemed like either girlfriends or family. Craven was there also and I caught the few glares that he threw my way while he looked like he was searching the bleachers for someone.

But what caught my eyes was the cherry blonde that ran to Damien and... hugged him? My mouth almost dropped at the scene, I'd never seen her before obviously as she didn't go to the school. Was she a family member? Maybe a sister, they looked the same age and she was incredibly beautiful. I kinda felt jealous of how she hanged on his arm as they spoke words back in forth. Damiens face looked annoyed at her but that's how he was with everyone, soon enough he removed her arm and she look disappointed but walked back to the bleachers.

Maybe it is his sister, he never mentioned he had one but he never says anything ever. I know nothing about him personally at all and its now starting to bug me more. Yea I never tell him stuff about me but he already knows I have a brother and he never asks! From the looks of it he knows more about me then I do him.

In my deep thoughts I didn't realize the game had started and it started with a kick of the ball.

I did end up cheering, every time Damien tackled someone with a ball I'd stand up and yell 'hell yea!' And immediately sat down in embarrassment. I'd never seen him move like this before, he was fast but strong; those on the field ignored him as much as possible it was crazy. Our team the Wellington wolves were already in the lead and now I understood the hype of rugby games, it's awesome to see them out there on the field killing it. Well more like awesome for me to see Damien tackle people down like he was the hulk.

The referee blew the whistle and the teams got off the field and I figured it was to take a break. I wanted to talk to Damien and tell him how good he was, that the training he did really paid off. He looked at me with the same monotone expression but seemed like he wanted to come over and talk with me, he was stopped by the same girl from earlier and I blinked in disappointment- just who was she?

"Yo onyx!! Did you see me out there!" Ramos jogged over to me and I laughed.

"Hell yeah dude your straight up killing it, I have no clue what's going on but your fast as hell" I praised and he grinned reaching over to slap me on the soldier.

"You were screaming pretty loud every time Damien did- well anything, I didn't know you guys were that close" he said with a snort, eyeing me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes, ever since I told Damien to ignore me at school it didn't really look like we got along that well; we never really socialized in front of Ramos so I understood why he thought it was strange.

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