Chapter Eight

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I sighed heavily, things with Ramos didn't go so well. He seemed pretty mad when I told him it's best if we keep our distance, I tried to explain that people didn't like how close I was to the 'big dogs', a lie of course. He said he understood but he was still angry and left before I could say anything else.

But hopefully his sour mood will show Craven I am in fact distancing myself. Damien has done his part about keeping away from me, at least in front of craven.  When I entered my dorm room coming from my nice hot shower, I was planning to belly flop on my bed and say lights out. Unfortunately Damien himself was on MY bed, reading something intently.

It was a magazine.

My magazine.

I yelled out and grabbed at the magazine, snatching it out of his hands and holding it to my chest. My face went bright red, was he reading my gay porno?! How did he even find it! Why is he even here he should have practice right? But I hadn't realized it was almost 8 o clock.

"You- stay out of my stuff" I yelled humiliated, my heart beating fast enough to give me a heart attack. Is he gonna connect the dots now? Will my semi peaceful highschool life come crumbling down?

"Do you enjoy that stuff?" He asked honestly and I physically felt my whole body heat up, this was so embarrassing. What do I even say to a question like that?!

"Pfft? No what, I don't even know who this belongs to?" I gave the worst lie I could think of; and I sounded uncertain saying it.

"You said stay out of my stuff." He rebutted and I choked. Oh god it hurts. I dropped to my knees, and simply bowed to him. I must beg, beg him to forget.

"Please, dont tell anybody. I won't do anything to you if your worried about that- please you weren't supposed to find it!"

"Don't you want to do that stuff with me?" He asked seriously and his expression was unreadable. I looked at him with my mouth agape. Did I hear that correctly?


"So you won't do that stuff with me?"

"W-well I- Damien this isn't funny"

"Well I'm not joking. Answer my question"

I eyed him suspiciously my cheeks heating up, backing a bit away when I got to my feet. This is a really bad joke he's doing, the thought of doing anything sexual with him... that's just a fantasy something completely out of my reach!

"Your not gay Damien, stop messing around" I said again seriously, trying to shake off the weird tension I moved by him to put my magazine under the bed; trying to act as nonchalant as possible. I almost yelled when Damien grabbed me by the arm and pushed me down onto the bed. He had to be joking, he was playing a prank on me and as soon as I give in he'll ridicule me for it!

"I don't care about labels. I do know that you turn me on and that magazine confirms I can make a move" he said looking directly into my eyes and I almost died on the spot. I could barely keep eye contact with him, who was undeniably sexy; I must've looked like I caught a fever because my face felt hot and so did my body, my lower half started to react and I wanted to cross my legs.

"Me turn you on?! Cmon man get your eyes checked!" I said in shock, he was now on top of me; one hand on my arm and the other by my head while one of his knees were in between my legs and I had to wiggle my hips up so he wouldn't press against my lower half. I was hyper aware of him, at least my body was. There was no way I turned him on in any sorta way, I was a nerdy looking kid; a bit on the skinny side and has my mess of a hair constantly covering my face- there wasn't anything sexy about me!

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