Chapter Twenty Eight

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The night was... long to say the least. I had woken up in his arms, shocking to say the least so I stayed still a bit to watch him sleep- it was like a dream. I couldn't stay any longer though, I crawled out of bed and almost fell right on my ass. Pain shot up through me as my legs were like jello, I breathed in and focused as I collected my clothes and pulled them on.

Despite the crazy and passionate night we had- there was more important things to deal with. If I want to figure out what's going on I need to start now, I looked back at him one more time and left. I wasn't going to be charmed by him after all these years, he'd have to do more then seduce me.

Arriving home it was quiet, it didn't sound like father was here or anybody else. The residency here only had me, Craven and father- the occasional the Dolce. Cravens mother had separated from father and had been living on her own for some time now, though she drops in on occasion she only comes to see Craven.

I went straight to my office and started pulling up recent articles and reports I had gotten, nothing came up about the Genieves, just information about them loaning out money- pretty standard stuff. I started to write out what I knew and I noticed something peculiar.

Clubs, it seemed like these common hang out spots is where information was being passed around. If Damien is right, men are pretending to be Arifs to stir trouble- as well as other gangs. Knowing damn well there's already a riff between family's as of current, but why? What is there to gain? To get certain families out of the way?

I looked up bars in the vicinity, I know the guy I interrogated a couple days ago bar hopped in the downtown area, where he met the so called Arif informant. Our family presence is heavy in the downtown as well as other families who've we've allied with. If this is all happening within the bar scene... I know just who to call.

"Ramos" I said over the phone and I heard him breathe out relieved.

"I thought you were gonna be mad at me forever" he responded.

"I still am. We all know you go clubbing on a daily basis, right?" I said kicking my feet up on my desk and lighting a smoke as I balanced the phone between my cheek and shoulder.

"Well yeah, you know that. Why you wanna go somewhere tonight? There's this great club-" he went on and I rolled my eyes.

"I've gotten reports that there's been an increase of mentions about Arifs on my territory, you wouldn't happen to know anything about this... right?" I asked tapping the cigarette, and I heard him go quiet. This damn idiot.

"Well... I've seen some guys boast about being Arifs, and trying to start stuff but there a lot more frequent at Galaxy Eve's club; you know that strip joint? It's another grey colored place not owned by an Arif if you worried. I was approached one time there by someone claiming to be an Arif saying they'd pay for intel- it was a bit strange now that I think about it" he babbled and I crushed the cigarette in my hand. It seems rugby has given him one to many concussions.

"And you didn't tell me this... why?"

"Well they just seemed like some lower class henchmen, hey you got a lot to worry about so don't bother with those types-" he went on and I hung up.

"Galaxy Eve... I'll just have to go there then." I whispered to myself. My phone started to go off and I answered it thinking it was Ramos.

"The conversation was over" I said to him.

"I wasn't aware that it even started" responded Damien and I almost dropped my phone, how the hell did he get my number?!

"What do you want" I asked fighting of the flush on my face, memories of last night and how much of mess I had to clean up when I got home was still vivid in my mind.

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