Chapter Thirty Four

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We observed the house having busy traffic coming in and out through the day. It confirmed to us that it was being used for something , whether the leader of the so called 'Seperation' group was there- it was soon to tell. We strapped up before we left Damien's mansion there was no way we'd go unprepared. We just brought your normal smoke bombs, pistols and AKs. I even wore a bullet proof vest insisted by Damien just incase.

"You think the man we're looking for is there?" Asked Dimitri and I pondered as I loaded my gun up. I had an inkling he wouldn't be, but it didn't mean the location lacked evidence we could use to prove the innocence of the Arif family.  I just cant stand the thought of some third rate group causing two great familys to tear each other apart, it's pathetic.

"Regardless, that's the only lead we have" I responded, Damien walked in and gave us a nod. It was time.

Night fell and we were stationed outside the home. We could spot multiple trucks outside in the courtyard; we already figured some of them had stolen cargo.

"When I signal, rush in through the back. Release the smoke bombs" Damien said through the headset and we both pulled on a gas mask. I held my gun tight in my hand and lowered myself down to the ground waiting for the call.

"Now" Damien said after a couple moments when he saw no movement in the home. We rushed to the home and smoke started pouring out of the house. Two men kicked down the door for us as we entered and I noticed immediately at the lack of furniture through the smoke. It was vacant, nobody lived here.

"The place has been wiped clean" I said seriously walking around waving the gun around to disperse the smoke. During that whole time we're they just moving everything out? We're we too late?

"They must use this a decoy home, a third party facility" he mumbled, he tapped my arm as to make sure I was still near.

"Let's head up stairs" I said, we moved locations and passed by some men up the stairs who also were investigating the area.

I walked into a room to see left over crates of weapons, it seems they failed to clear everything out. They were in a rush- they knew we were coming. Maybe that night I was in the warehouse made them anxious.

"Just got word, the trucks out front are wiped clean" Damien said as he grabbed some of the guns to check for a symbol. I walked closer to inspect it myself and spotted the Giotto crest, these were guns that belonged to my family.

"Something doesn't feel right" I said quickly, they did leave some evidence behind, even just a small bit seems intentional. We had seen cars out front earlier today with the drones, they were in a rush to clear it out- but why? As if they knew we were coming today.

Question is, how'd they figure that out?

"We better look around-" said Damien and a loud crash came through the window. My eyes immediately flashed to the object that came through it.

"GRENADE" I yelled loudly and it was too late as it went off as I said so, a loud flash and a disorienting loud noise rang in my ears as I tried to escape the room. I couldn't tell where Damien was nor my own body, I just knew I had to keep pushing forward till I got myself together.

I could finally open my eyes and see gun shots flying around as men came in to combat Damien's men. It was a trap from the beginning, they laid in wait for us. I started to shoot, nailing someone in the head; I looked back to see Damien stumbling towards me- he was unhurt but visibly angry. I could tell he wanted to kill, we both shot the rest of the men that came up the stairs.

We finally pushed forward down the stair to see Damien's men shooting from the window.

"Shit they got the jump on us" I cursed and another flash bang flew in and I immediately scrambled to find something to cover it but lost my chance as it set off another disoriented charge. I fell on my knees to somehow dodge any flying bullets, I felt a arm grab me and pull me up.

I immediately believed it to be Damien despite not being able to see, I walked along with them and felt the cold air hit my skin as we exited the house. My eyes flashes opened to see a man.

Someone that wasn't Damien, I could only spot long dark hair and a full beard. It was too blurry to make out his face but I could see that he lifted his gun and smacked me right in the middle of my face. hard. making me pass out could.

My head pulsated, I couldn't see anything at all- not because it was dark but because it was too bright. A light was directly in my eyes and I squinted in response. I felt rope around my limbs as I squirmed, I was tied up.

To think I was captured, did this mean the rest of Damien's men got hurt? Did Damien get hurt? Who ever this was, was the one that could tell me what I needed to know.

"Awwww sleeping beauty is awake" I heard footsteps in the room. "you know you really couldn't let it be could you?" Said a voice, it was familiar. Again I tried to pry my eyes open but all I could see was the sharp glare of the light.

"Oh fuck off. Let me go" I growled out and spit at him. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my groin, I looked down to see a sliver of a boot.

"Now why would I let you go? We're practically family" the man said as the light was yanked off my face. I was finally able to open my eyes fully and my breathing stopped.

"It's.... You"


I wonder who it is ? Honestly it's probably not very hard to guess, but I've never been good at twists !

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