Chapter Twenty

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We had reached the end of the year, our senior year, and we hadn't spoken to each other since the fight. I tried but he would cut me off at every turn and eventually he moved out of our room. He was staying off campus, as if trying his hardest to stay away from me. I cried many nights thinking about what I had done wrong, I couldn't wrap my head around it. Just what had happened that day?

When I asked Craven I was met with the same, he told me to back off and that it was none of my business. It was like I was sent back a few spaces, I though my bond with both of them had somehow gotten better but I was blinded by delusions.

I stopped trying to see Damien and stopped going to his games, why should I try if he won't. I had also heard through rumors he was back with his fiancé, the one he told me he wanted to break things off with. They also talked about how he was getting prepared to start leading the family business after graduation, the mafia they must mean. Damien as always was talk of the school, there was a fight at least four times a week because of him- just like before.

He reverted back to how he was and it made me think, I must've been a fling, a boy romance he wanted to try out. Now I spend my time alone and occasionally with Ramos, but it wasn't the same.

Now we're a week from graduation, and I fear that we won't speak ever again. We'll separate and never see each other- we won't have a reason too. Unless our families have dealings with each other. Even though he said we were taking a break but it's been months now, this isn't just a break.

I was in the classroom, by myself. It was the end of the day, classes were over but I didn't want to go back to my empty room. Nobody was there waiting for me so why bother, I saw them out on the field- the season was already over but they still liked to play practice games. I liked to sit by the window and watch, watch Damien play.

I really liked him. And it sucked this was how it ended up.

Looking at the field I noticed Damien was missing, sometimes he didn't go to practice and just went straight home. I heard someone step into the class room, my head moved to the side to see Damien. We made eye contact but it didn't last as he went to his usual desk; he searched through it, looking for something. He ignored me, he knew I was there but not a word, that pissed me off, even if we weren't together it doesn't mean you can't say hi.

"So are you gonna ignore me till graduation? I get it, you don't want me anymore fine. I was a fling for you to satisfy whatever curious feeling you wanted to fullfill. Was all that crap about when we were younger even true, was that some sort of lie to string me along?" I said to him loudly and he stopped searching and looked at me with those dead cold eyes , eyes he would've never given me before. I was now just another person among many to him- I wasn't special. Again he stayed silent, as if I was talking at a wall.

"Speechless? Fine. I'll just go find somebody else" I said, the last part was out of spite. Just to get a reaction out of him. He stayed resilient, and just stared. We graduated in a week, and this is how we were going to end it- on bad terms.

I grabbed my bag and slugged it over my shoulder, preparing to walk out. I stepped through the door and felt his hand wrap around my wrist. I whipped my head to stare at him in shock.

"You won't." He said with a low tone.

"Won't what?" I asked trying to pull my arm out of his hand.

"You won't find any one but me" he argued back and I stared In shock. What was I missing, did he like me? Did he not like me? He avoids me- says we should take a break- basically a break up but I can't find somebody else? I wanted a reaction but this isn't something that makes sense.

He's giving me hope that he still likes me, but he's made it clear that I'm not who he wants.

"What does it matter to you, your the one who wanted a break!" I retorted and he let go. The flash of guilt crossed his face, and his hands went through his hair.

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