Chapter Nineteen

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Cravens POV
I did what I could to convince Onyx to stay out of the business. That kid doesn't know what's good for him, he wasn't raised in this world he has no fucking clue. He has no idea how it's gonna be for us now that he's gonna be a potential heir- I won't give him that position. My father looks down on me already, I can't let my runt brother take his favor.

Though from the seems of it he might fuck things up himself, he's too close with Damien. He doesn't understand our family's dynamic, The Arif family has been closing in on our territory even more in recent years; father originally wanted me to befriend Damien in an attempt to gain any sort of information and it failed. Damien never gave anyone the time of day- but Onyx is different and I don't know why.

If he continues this relationship with Damien, the deeper he'll get and when he's given a choice- father won't hesitate to kill him for being a traitor, son or not. We're on a brink of a war between families, it's already starting. I don't want my brother taking my place but I don't hate him, I'm softer then I would like to admit. I've noticed there relationship has grown closer within the last week , they stopped being as secret with each other- it's sickening to watch almost.

I waited till me and Damien were the only ones in the locker room, we were getting ready for practice and I told him we needed to talk so he stayed behind.

"Listen, I don't get your fascination with my brother, but because of you he's gotten more involved then he needed to be" I said to him seriously, and he pulled his polo shirt on and gave me a nasty glare, it scared me deep down because I knew Damien was not a dog with no bite. He was the son my father wanted me to be, he had been working along side his father since he was young and even dealt with the nastier business.

My father tried to get me to... join in on the harsher practices. I just cant bring myself to kill somebody, but not yet, I'll learn- I won't let onyx take my place.

"Don't tell me something I already fucking know" he growled at me and I glared back. If he fucking knows why doesn't he drop whatever fucked relationship he has with Onyx.

"My father knows of you two, you already know the tension between our families. Your gonna get him killed, unless that was the plan from the start then color me impressed" I finished my sentence and a fist slammed into my jaw knocking me off the bench, I cursed loud and felt the blood pour out of my mouth. He stood over me as if he had been possessed by a demon, breathing heavily and full of rage.

"You know it, he doesn't know the severity- he's not that deep yet. You have a chance to let him go, but if you keep it up he's gonna be in the middle of it. We're on the brink of war, he never was not gonna be involved." I spit out the blood as I stood up, that almost knocked me clean out.

We stared down each other and he didn't say another word. He left and that was all there was to it.

Onyx's POV
Things had been good over the passed couples days, me and Damien have been.. in our honeymoon stage? It's embarrassing to think about, but we make out whenever wherever- behind the lockers, in the bathrooms, in the janitors closet. we haven't gone much farther then heavy petting and that night we stargazed. I want to do it with Damien, but I'm not ready is all- and he understands. He said we'll be together forever so we can take all the time we need, I laughed at it like it was a joke but I don't think he was joking.

We haven't spoken about the whole... mafia thing. We're in school right now so there's no need to worry about it, we can come to that later. I don't want to have another fight like that, even if I was instigating it... I really don't want to break up with Damien.

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