Chapter Twenty Four

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I hadn't followed after Damien just yet, he had gone ahead as if expecting me to follow. Could I trust to be alone with him? Our time together in high school never prepared me for his possible cruel nature despite how our relationship ended- but it's different now. We're enemy's and I don't think Damien has a good opinion of me anymore; he didn't look happy to see me.

He's changed in 5 years, taller and more muscular; he's really an adult now. I never caught a glimpse of him all these years, from my reports most people don't even know his appearance even those who work under him. It's well known the Don of the Arif family is a man who works solely in the shadows. That's why I'm surprised he's at some high profiled club like this.

He wants to talk, about what I don't have a clue. He's never reached out to me before so it can't be that important, it makes me suspicious of his actions. I should tell father he's here, but it'd cause a problem for the club and deep down I don't want anyone meddling in between us this is my job to handle.

I placed my hands in my pockets and walked outside, I looked around and saw him leaned up against a wall by an alley way; a bit away from the clubs entrance. I felt chills, what if he kills me here? I wouldn't let him do it without a fight, I'm stronger then I used to be. Despite all those good memories in high school I don't know how much he's changed and how his view of me has changed.

"I don't think we have anything to discuss" I spoke as I walked towards him, he glanced at me as he inhaled his cigarette. His eyes trained to my feet then slowly moved up as if he was taking in my body, was he sizing me up for a fight?

"You look good" he commented emotionless and I gave a glare. I couldn't help but I internally felt butterflies in my chest, why was he complimenting me? Just what does he want? I was a bit taller now, my black wavy hair was a tad bit longer and I finally manage to grow out a little stubble, something high-school me could never do.

"I shouldn't be here talking with you, we aren't an estranged pair of friends." I snapped, and his hand stretched out and yanked me into the dark alley. I panicked slightly and went to punch him but he held me in a tight hug that caught me off guard, making my arms go limp at my sides.

"I missed you" he whispered hugging me tight, my face grew hot at the sudden intimacy.

"Your crazy, you haven't contacted me in years and now you want to what? Hug it out?" I argued finally getting the strength to push him away, I felt pained. He missed me he says, but it didn't feel that way. He's the one who pushed me away, he's the one who never contacted me again.

"Whether you like it or not, your a Giotto. I didn't want to endanger you" he'd say through gritted teeth, I clicked my tongue. His expression seemed lightly pained as if he was disappointed.

"Says the family who's stealing my shit and knocking off my members. You've been busy making sure you build up that empire of yours" I countered, I had gotten in my own fair share of shoot outs with Arif members. He went quiet and dropped his cigarette stepping on it to put it out.

"That's exactly why I needed to talk to you" he said seriously.

"What are you making declaration of war" I retorted crossing my own arms.

"I wouldn't fight you. Ever." He growled out, I glanced at his fists that clench as if he was holding himself back from something.

"I can't say it's mutual, not anymore" I said, knowing it's not true. I don't think I could truly kill Damien- doesn't mean I don't mind getting a few whacks in. His eyes flickered to the street, as if he was looking out for somebody.

His hand unclenched and he reached out and pulled me in close to him- another hug but this time it seemed like it was for more then just affection. I felt him slip something in my back pocket.

"We might be under surveillance, we'll talk later." He murmured in my ear then met my eyes. I was caught off guard by the secrecy, but even more so by his eyes. I missed staring into them. Memories flashed in my head and I wanted to shake them out, that was in the past.

I suddenly felt his lips against mine, and we stumbled back until my back was against the wall, he was rough with his kiss. I couldn't help myself in the end and kissed him back, my body heating up. I pressed myself as much as I could against him, my lower half stirring; we finally broke apart when I couldn't breathe.

"You think a kiss can fix this" I argued breathlessly my hands on his chest. Damien didn't know how to be one emotion, jumping from place to place, glad to see that hasn't changed.

"No but I will keep trying" he responded, I thought we were going to keep making out but he suddenly backed up and left the alleyway, leaving me hot and bothered and full of unwanted emotions.

I hate that guy.

"Ramos you bastard" I growled yanking him by the back of his shirt. I had found him chatting it up with some girl, had he not seen Damien at all? Here he is having fun while I'm dealing with the enemy.

I didn't see Damien inside or outside of the bar, it was like he was gone like a puff of smoke. He had just thrown me into a whirlwind of emotions and now I had to figure out how to straighten myself out.

"Hey my bestie! whats up?" he said with a nervous smile, he wasn't as drunk as I thought he'd be. It's as if he knew if something was going to happen tonight.

"You didn't tell me that a certain Arif came here" I growled at him, I gripped his arm and slowly started to pull him through the crowd.

"Well like I said everyone comes here" he said quickly trying to brush it off, he kept up with my speed till we were both outside. I let go of him when we were down the sidewalk a bit.

"Like Damien" I glared, crossing my arms.

"Yes just like Damien" he joked with a nervous smile. I immediately punching him in the shoulder and he wince and raised his hand to block another hit.

"You fucker you knew he'd be here!" I yelled and grabbed him by the collar, this bastard thinks everything's a god damn joke!

"Listen listen! He told me he needed to talk to you. He doesn't have any ill will" he tried defending himself, he put his hands on my own trying to stop me from ripping his shirt apart but I had become a lot stronger then him in recent years.

"So hes why you took me here? Wait- This so called owner of this club, it's not him is it?" I asked and let go of him by pushing him back and placed my hands underneath my arms. It was my attempt to stop myself from punching him dead in the face.

He didn't respond and just rubbed his neck. He was too ashamed to awnser and he should be.

"I'm never coming somewhere with you again, go bring the fucking car around we're going home" I barked at him, and begrudgingly he listened. I sighed heavily and checked my pocket for my phone, it was then I remeber Damien slipped me something.

I pulled the paper from my pocket, written down was a address and a location as well as the date and time.

Well we all love a good reunion and some mystery right? I've mapped out the upcoming chapters and have finished about 6 so far (with some much needed editing)

I hope your enjoying onyx blues!

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