Chapter Fifteen

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It was awkward, being back in my child hood home. I was raised here as a kid, of course known as the son of the help, it still gave me good memories as well as bad ones. This was the last house my mother was in until she died. With her death came the truth of my father and it truly went down hill from there.

I had been home for two days, since the shoot out at school. They said we wouldn't be able to return for another two weeks, till they had things sorted out. I hadn't heard if anyone had died or was injured, just pure silence. I wondered how Damien was, if he was thinking about him because I sure did miss him.

I missed him more then I thought I would.

"Master Onyx, your father wishes to see you in the family room" a butler announced walking into my room giving a slight nod. My eyes widened at him, as my father had been gone since I had arrived and I hoped it'd stay that way; i also have no clue why he would want to see me of all people. I nodded uncomfortably standing off my bed and rubbing my arm, I hadn't spoke to my father since- well since he helped me out of that cell.

The last time I remember him he was looking straight into my eyes, he held no disdain or hatred but something else. He was as terrifying as I remembered him as a child, he held power in his stance and you could tell just by looking at him that he was important.

I walked down the stairs and to the family room, I passed by the room that once belonged to me and my mother. The staff had told me the room hadn't been touched in years when I had asked to go in, it was like time hadn't touched it at all. It was how I remembered it years ago, her belongings were still there. A piece of her remained in the house, I don't know why my father hasn't touched the room and I don't wish to come to terms with the idea that he may have loved my mother.

Upon entering the family room my father sat on the couch, a pipe in his hand. He was an old fashioned man, I do remember that; a bit older then most fathers with a son my age but he still looked young for his age. He gave me a glance and we locked eyes; an intense fearful gaze that made me look down. Was he truly my father? It didn't feel that way.

"Come sit down onyx" he said patting the seat besides him and I blinked at him, surprised by the familiarity in his voice. I slowly walked over to sit next to him, my legs crossed while doing so to stop my legs from bouncing. I did not want to show how anxious I am.

"How has school been for you" he asked taking a puff on his pipe and I twiddled my thumbs. He's asking me about school...?

"Oh um, it's been ok. I've made friends" I said quickly, feeling uncomfortable.

"Ah like Damien Arif" he said and my eyes widened at him, it was odd that he knew that specific thing. My friend ship with Damien was kept as secret as possible, unless Craven had mentioned it but after are talk last time I feel that isn't the case.

"His father called me, he said his son wanted to know if you are alright. I knew you'd be good for making connections, his father hasn't called me in a good while" he continued and I gave a nervous laugh. Connections? With Damiens father? I remembered what Ramos said about Damiens family being wealthy and the rumor of them being the mafia. Just why is my dad interested in all that.

"We aren't that close..." I said a bit confused, a bit embarrassed to speak about Damien given the nature of our new found relationship.

"Oh don't be so modest, son" he said heartily patting my back and my heart stopped. He called me his son, he's never- I didn't believe he even acknowledged me as his.

"You know I see potential in you, unlike your brother who's scared of everything and follows like a dog, your a fighter- a leader" he continued and I was confused. I wasn't any of those things, my brother was much more suited of being a leader, I only fought when cornered and even that was so much.

"I don't-" I tried to say but was cut off.

"I do, I do know. When I saw you in that cell, I expected you to be crying and sobbing; regret to fill your eyes for stabbing that boy. I didn't see that, instead I saw myself reflected in them. You sat there willing to take what came next but never regretting the past, you didn't even know if the boy was alive or dead yet. You just knew you just did what you had to do" he stated, unpacking the past I desperately wanted to forget.

That day I was in turmoil, I was sick to my stomach. I was sick because I hadn't regretted what I had done, disgusted that I felt nothing but joy after I gave that bastard what he deserved. In my rage was a me I never knew, and it scared me and I don't want to go back to that. I'm a good person, I am I really am when I try to be.

"I wasn't in my right mind then. I was holding on barely, that was me at my weakest" I replied quietly and my father clicked his tongue taking another puff.

"That was you at your strongest. That's why I paid to get you out and paid that boys parents to keep there mouths shut. You my boy have promise, and that's why after your schooling I want you to work for the family business" he continued and I whipped my head to look at him, cravens words came back to me. I barely remember the whole conversation due to my drunken stature but he warned me about the family business and that dad would want me apart of it. I didn't think he was being serious, it just didn't make sense.

"What does the family business have to do with what I did to that kid. Why would you want to hire someone who almost had a criminal record?" I asked in disbelief I didn't understand the connections, I was forming an idea but it sounded to crazy to say out loud.

My father laughed out loud from my words, clenching his gut as if I had said something truly hilarious.

"You are a sheltered child, I guess it's my fault. I never thought you'd be cut out for this type of work with how docile your mother was- of course you proved me wrong" he went on and I felt like I was being tricked, like a game was being played and I was the players piece. Nobody ever spoke clearly, always in rhymes and riddles.

"Can you please just tell me what you mean" I asked standing up to look at him, now getting angry. I was fed up with him and this waiting bull shit, it seemed every one in my life expected me to know everything without telling me.

"The Mafia my dear boy, we're apart of a crime syndicate. I thought you'd figure it out by now, The Arif family is one of the most dangerous families within the Seven Families and you are quite close with its heir" he revealed and my jaw dropped as I backed up from him and fell back onto the other couch in a daze.

"That... that has to be a joke. That's ridiculous to even say" I choked out, looking at him as I leaned on my knees. He sent me a glare that made me sit straight up and I saw clench his jaw in a threatening way.

"What I don't do, is joke Onyx. Your brother was supposed to let you in on this but he's been... upset that you'll take his place." He continued his frown turning into a sly grin. I swallowed hard, is this what Craven meant by dangerous? He could've just told me, like 'hey onyx our dad is a crime boss no big deal'. Damien... he must know to, he didn't tell me either! Was I supposed to remain in the dark forever?

"I don't think I'm cut out for this, for anything like this" I stressed out, overwhelmed by the information dumped on me.

"Oh you are more then cut out for it. You are my son, you are destined to join my ranks to be underneath my wing. I am sorry for being absent, it was because I did not want you involved but you are capable and with a bit of training and polishing you will be unstoppable" he said to me and once again we held eye contact, I hadn't known what to say. I have always wanted my fathers attention even though I'd try and convince myself I wanted nothing of it, to have him apologize to me, for him to have real reason not to raise me like he should. I've always wanted this, for him to want what's best for me- if he thinks I can do this then maybe I can.

"Do you really think I'll be any good? Doing what you do" I asked cracking under pressure, it was a lot to be asked such a thing. If I did this I'd be in the same business as Damien, wouldn't this mean I can get closer to him?

"I think you will do me proud, I assure it" he said with a smile, I clenched my fists nervously. Was I to be manipulated by my fathers words to enter a world I've never seen, to be involved with things I've never dealt with before? I want to be worth something, that all I want.

I opened my mouth and the words the fell out sealed my fate.

Big reveal? Maybe not, I'm sure this was already predictable from previous chapters haha! I wonder what onyx said, guess we'll find out !

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