Chapter Nine

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It had been a week or so since I had kissed Damien, we hadn't kissed again or brought it up but we had started to sleep in the same bed. Damien had slipped into my bed every night since then and I allowed him; maybe it was an unspoken bond we formed. It was quite cruel though because my wet dreams were more frequent with him next to me and I hoped he didn't notice the results of the wet dream I had while I slept.

Despite the wet dreams I also had dreamt about my past, when I was a kid. Frequent memories of the young girl I used to play with popped up here and there. I wondered why that part of my child hood had become a frequent topic in my brain since I arrived at this school.

I was sitting with Ramos behind the gym building, we found places to hang out which wasn't in the public eye and honestly it was funner this way. We were able to bond more and actually talk about stuff that Ramos wouldn't be able to talk about around other people.

"So I wanted to ask you about Damien, I've been side tracked to ask- but just why is he so important?" I asked skeptically, I actually didn't know what family Damien came from even though it did sound familiar. When I did ask him about family he ignored me completely; he does it every time I ask him something serious.

"Oh come on you still don't know? You've heard the rumors haven't you already?" Ramos laughed as he bit into his sandwich which he saved from lunch; we had a study hall class right now which we chose to skip. I shook my head at him, I actually haven't spoken to too many kids here and I'm prone to day dream in classes so I hadn't heard anything that didn't come from Ramos's mouth.

"No, just what you've told me. He rules the school and he beats kids to death. Nothing else" I replied stretching my legs out as I sat on the grass. You'd think I'd be more concerned with how many kids Damien beats up, but he hasn't really done much of anything since the last time he beat those two kids. I'm a lot more number to violence as I've discovered after what I did last year.

Which is why Craven refers to me as a psycho.

"Well... I guess i'll tell you. It might scare you though" he said hesitating and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What is he a MKULTRA soldier? Spit it out man" I said annoyed, is he worried I'm gonna snitch on him to Damien so he can get another beat down? Honestly it'd be kinda funny to see.

"No nothing like that- but I wouldn't be surprised if he was. His family is incredibly rich and owns a lot of big company's; they even own this school." He explained and my eyes widened, that explains why he never gets in trouble for anything ever.

"So his family is what the kardashians?" I joked, so he comes from a wealthy as fuck family isn't that everyone here?

"If the kardashians did organized crime sure" he replied and my mouth went agape, organized crime...

"What like the Mafia? You've got to be joking" I said in shock and he nodded laughing, he seemed nonchalant about it.

"That's right, his fathers a Don and he's next in line" he replied. What?! No way, Damien part of the mafia? A don? Whatever that is... so is thats why he's the way he is?

"But those are just rumors right?" I replied and he looked at me with uneasy eyes.

"Uh yeah sure... I really shouldn't discuss this with you. You should ask Damien himself " he said sheepishly and I glared at him; why is he beating around the bush? Is it true or not, a yes or no answer.

"I've asked, he just ignores me. You should know how hard it is to actually have a convo with him" i grumbled defeated, asking him was a no can do.

"Hell do I know that one, I've never even had a conversation with him. We all flock to him and talk to him but he doesn't talk back. Most he's ever said to me was my name followed by get out my way or catch the ball" he explained pointing out the most they did talk was during rugby practice. Now that he mentions it when it's lunch time or when he's with all the jocks; they follow him- gather around him. Even so he never seems to speak, just stare blankly like he's day dreaming.

I went to say something but the bell rung and I cursed. I stood up and brush dirt off my legs, we should head to the next class. I guess that's all I'm getting, but is it possible that Damien is really apart of the mafia? It feels to crazy to be true.

"Oh yea! onyx" Ramos said excited and I looked at him feeling my energy being drained already by whatever news he has in store.

"Yea?" I asked stretching my arms.

"You coming to the game tomorrow?"


"Your coming tomorrow. Right?" Damien said to me as I laid down on my bed, he was in the middle of the floor sitting as he had just finished doing push ups and as a bonus he was half naked so I kept my eyes glued to my phone to not embarrass myself from looking. I finally had internet on my phone and a lot of sites and apps were banned to use but I could use Spotify and that was good enough for me.

I remember Ramos asking me that earlier, damn maybe I am popular with the fellas? I'm not sure how my presence will do anything much at the game but Damien asked me so I have to go. Our relationship has been good, it's been about a few months since I've been here and I'm finally feeling comfortable; so I don't want to mess anything up with him especially now that I've started to liking him romantically.

"Yea man I told you I would. You think I'm gonna miss it or something? The fields right there" I laughed as I scrolled through songs on my phone, he suddenly stood up slow; everything he did was like a threat like he was trained to be menacing. I've gotten used to it now but I don't even think he realizes just how scary he can be.

"I want to make a bet with you" he said suddenly as he sat on my bed and moved my legs up so they rested on his thick muscular thighs that his gym shorts were tight around, my faced flushed at the closeness and I cursed in my head. Does Damien not realize the erotic sexual aura he oozes or does he do this on purpose... you never know with him.

"What kinda bet..." I asked looking into his eyes, it took a lot of training to look at him without faltering. When you look at a guy this hot it's like looking into the sun, you want to look but damn does it hurt. This is also the second deal he's tried to strike up with me, does he do everything through some type of transaction?

He rubbed my legs, his hand gliding over my pajama pants and I wished I had change into shorts so I could feel his warm skin. I wondered was this normal skin ship between two boys or did he do this because he liked me, I was gullible but I had trust issues all the same.

"If I win tomorrow's game I want you to do anything I ask" he stated firmly and I gave him a confused look; anything he asks? Like what his do his homework, there's not really anything I can give him that he doesn't have already.

"Ok and what if you lose?" I asked with a smirk, I said it more so as a joke then anything else. There's no way I could see Damien losing, if he did lose I just imagine the amount of ass kickings that would ensue.

"Then you can ask anything you want from me. But know I won't lose" he said firmly and I held back a snort; he was confident and it irked me. Whether it's him demanding or predicting the future he always says it as if he'll always get his way, I'd think it'd be interesting to see him lose once. If I actually won, I wonder what I'd make him do, in my fantasies it'd be something x rated but in real life? I have no clue. Maybe I'd force him to have an actual conversation with Ramos once; it'd be punishment.

"Alright fine; it sounds fun enough." I said simply and held out my pinky to him, which he looked at strangely. "Cmon you gotta pinky swear or the bets off" I said stubbornly, hiding my grin. I was most accepting because I was curious of what he wanted from me.

He hesitated but wrapped his pinky around mine and I gave a chuckle. I don't think he has any real friends, when we hang out he acts distant but I think it's because he doesn't have much experience with friendship to begin with. He might hang out with people but he never looks engaged.

"Don't regret this" he mumbled and I furrowed my eyebrows now worried as I withdrew my pinky. Just what did he have in store for me? I couldn't imagine what THE Damien Arif would want from a dude like me, maybe he'll make me be his personal maid for a week.

"So what will you make me do if you win?" I said curious and he flopped down besides me in a rather cute manner. I felt lucky to be able to see these sides of Damien, to talk with him like nobody else does. Was I possessive over a man that wasn't even my boyfriend? Yes I was.

"You'll see"

Next is the rugby game! I wonder who will be there? Maybe a new character 😇? I have a quite a bit in store!

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