Chapter Thirty Six

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Again I woke up, in the same room. This time I was shackled to the bed post. This was a bit of over kill I think. I looked down to see I was soaked in ice cold water, it was what brought me out of that void. I shivered slightly at the coldness, was there not a better way to wake someone?

At this point it was hard to even think after I've had two blows to the head, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a concussion. I looked up to see my father sitting in a chair in front of me and Dolce besides him. My brother was no where to be found.

"Just what... is going on" I asked tired, not enough strength to even think. I couldn't wrap my brain around it, why was my father teaming up with dolce- attacking his own men?

"You see this is why I should've killed that Arif boy instead of his father. I never would've thought you'd be so damn infatuated" my father said leaning against his cane. My eyes widened at him, he killed Damien's father? So he was just feeding me lies? Every time I defended him, I told myself that whatever happened to Damien wasn't our fault.

I should've known better, but I was to busy wanting to be apart of a family no matter what.

"Why? Why do all of this!" I yelled thrashing against the shackles. I bit my lip as I felt his cane strike one of my legs.

"Calm down boy. You have so much potential but I knew you would not agree with my plan so I left you out of it. I just never expected you to team up with Damien." He explained, irritation laced in his voice.

"Just what was your plan?" I asked.

"To wipe out the Arifs of course. They own more territory then I do, and for a while had a better standing then me. I was growing smaller while they were growing bigger. I just can't have that, I thought taking down Dominic would solve that issue- who knew his son was so competent"

"So your willing to create a war over something so trivial?" I gritted out, this old man was 50 shades of insane. So much blood shed would come of it, it would endanger not only our lives but the lives of civilians as well.

"Trivial to you, if I had raised you as mine from the beginning it'd be different. This right here, this good moral standing, is your mothers influence" the mention of my mother made me angry, talking as if she did a bad job of raising me.

"So the seperation circus group, your the leader?" I asked, the person I was looking for was right under my nose?

"No that would be me, it's just a smaller branch of the Giottos. Our job is simply to frame the Arifs for crimes they didn't commit. Other families would see how out of line they are and would join us to take down the Arifs. We had to sacrifice some people sure, but all the stolen weapons, drugs they all came right back to us" dolce explained and I stared in utter shock. I had to give it to them, it wasn't a bad plan. There name alone though is a joke, I suspect Dolce came up with it.
Maybe if they weren't so sloppy with it I wouldn't have found out.

Actually...  if Damien never reached out to me, I would've been following blindly. I could've ended up killing him myself If I continued to believe the lies my father spun.The thought alone sent shivers down my spine.

"I won't let you get away with this" I growled out and my father gave a heavy laugh.

"It's already to late, soon Damien and his men will come to save you. Unfortunate how they won't make it through the front door." My father explained, my heart fell in my stomach at the words.

"He won't come, he's not that stupid" I said seriously.

"He's not but love makes anyone go dumb, and with his stupidity will be the end of the Arif empire!" my father said as he stood up. He was an insane old man, willing to take any risks for what? 5 more years of fame before he himself croaks.

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