Chapter Three

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My morning was hectic, I woke up late of course. My roommate Damien didn't wake me up either as he was missing from the room. I quickly dressed into the uniform I was given, and ran out the room quickly; my shirt not tucked in, my tie not tied and my hair a mess. I looked at the paper I held tightly in my hand that showed my schedule and remembered the class room for home room the principal had showed me yesterday.

When I reached the main school building I saw people were still in the hallway, so I wasn't too late. I got to my home room and saw the teacher wasn't present yet, thank god.

The class was filled with boys throwing shit across the class and sitting on the desks. I was afraid to walk in but I swallowed whatever I felt and continued in.

"Onyx! Come sit next to me!" It was Ramos, he was sitting on his desk talking to a few dudes I hadn't known, they all sat in the back . I didn't want to sit next to him but I really had no choice, I walked up to him and sat in the vacant seat.

On my walk there I saw that the dude in front of me was Damien, he eyed me as I passed him and I held my breath as I sat down. Thanks Ramos for giving me the worst possible spot in the classroom.

"This is the new kid onyx, Craven gave him quite the scare yesterday" Ramos joked to his friends, and I gave an uneasy laugh, as they gave hearty ones.

"What did he do? Shove your head in the toilet?" The One boy joked.

"Nah, probably made him walk back to his dorm naked" the other one added.

"No he just choked me" I said a bit snippy, Craven might be your friend and you guys might think his pranks are so funny, but they aren't.

"Oh come on onyx, don't take them seriously." Ramos said roughing up my hair like we were friends. We weren't.

I didn't say anything else, and they continued on with another conversation leaving me out of it. Thank god.

When the teacher came in the class barely settled down, till he started yelling. I was given a book and we started off with the lesson, the teacher paid me no real thought, which was nice. Nice not to be noticed. I tried to keep up with the class but I started to daydream half way thru.

When class ended, I stayed seated at my desk till everyone exited. I slowly placed my stuff in my bag, and I noticed Damien get up; walking behind the two guys who spoke to me at the beginning of class.

"Sorry about those dudes, were not too sensitive here" Ramos said and I held back a glare.

"Am I too sensitive?" I asked sarcastically standing from my chair and lifting my bag into my shoulder.

"Kind of" he said simply and I blinked; but shrugged it off.

"At least you're honest" I muttered and he slapped my back extra hard, causing me to stumble forward.

"That's the spirit!" He said excitedly, he was gonna end up putting bruises on my back with those pats of his.

When we got out of the classroom, my eyes widened at the commotion going on in hallway. I had heard yelling from inside the classroom but I figured it was just the students being loud.

"Oh shit- there Damien goes again" Ramos laughed as he dragged me to join the ring that surrounded Damien, who was beating the living daylights of those kids that spoke to me in class.

Blood was everywhere, his hits completely fucked the one kid up, he straddled him and completely fucked him up. The other kid was besides them, blood and knocked out to hell.

I stared in awe, why the hell did he start beating them up? I guess Ramos wasn't lying, Damien does have a short fuse.

A teacher finally came down to break it up but he didn't get in between them. He just told Damien to quit it like that would do anything, but eventually Damien got up off the kid who then went into a fetal position. Seems like he was satisfied, the teacher told him to go the principals office this instant as he crouched down by the beaten boys to check if they were even breathing still.

Damien didn't say anything but wiped his bloody knuckles against his shirt, and looked towards me and Ramos. He walked towards us and I stilled not sure what to do.

I was pulled to the side out of his way by Ramos, and Damien continued, his eyes still on me, till he passed us. Everyone else parted for him not daring to get in his way.

"See I told you, a killer he is"

And I'm rooming with him?

Chapter three!!! I hope you enjoy, it might start off a bit slow but it'll pick up soon enough!!

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