Chapter Six

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A week had past, and I hadn't really spoken to Damien much since that night. I've kept mostly to myself and have avoided him at most turns, occupying myself after classes by checking out the multiple clubs I can join. I haven't chosen any yet, I never had any hobbies and none of them look interesting enough to join- they have a dnd club here oddly enough, that's the only one that I might look into but I've only ever seen people play it never played myself.

Of course Ramos tried getting me to apply for the rugby team since tryouts are coming up. I had to tell him no a thousand times, Craven must've not said anything to him about me or he wouldn't be asking.

I sighed heavily as I walked to my gym class, I loathed it so far. For every class I've had I sat on the bleachers, I think the teacher has let it slide since I'm new but I'm not sure for how much longer.

Usually I'd try and play with the others in the group sports like dodgeball, but craven AND Damien are in this class. They absolutely tear people up, some people even sit out half way through games so they don't get wailed on.

I arrived at the changing rooms and saw it was fairly empty. I always arrive a few minutes late so I can miss craven and Damien. I change into my uniform and walked out to my assigned spot, everyone was already in position.

We did some exercises and then the coach blew his whistle and called for dodgeball. I cringed and walked towards the bleachers, but was stopped by coaches whistle.

"SMIT, no bleachers for today your joining. Come over here" he called and I internally cringed, slowly turning to look at him. He gave me a look that said I'm not gonna ask twice.

I trotted over to him and he grinned patting my shoulder blowing his whistle again. He assigned teams, putting some of us on the left and others on the right. When I saw Damien was on my team I was relieved, seeing as now he couldn't get me; then I realized craven was on the opposite.

Meaning he will most likely come for me.

When the game started, I realized that I was having trouble seeing with my bangs that moved constantly in my vision as i tried to dodge. luckily I have crazy good reflexes and dodged every ball that Craven threw my way; and he threw hard since the balls whirled towards me at the speed of sound, so catching it was out of the question and I wasn't gonna throw any either.

I accidentally tripped over my own leg trying to dodge a ball that came for my own face. I fell on my knees and hissed when they slammed into a hardened slick floor. My palms pulsated at the impact as I tried to catch myself from face planting.

I thought it was over for me, until Damien loomed in-front of me, grabbing my arm and pulling me onto my feet; I was so stunned I almost forgot I had fell and the pain disappeared.

"You alright?" He asked in his regular monotone voice and I tried uttering a yeah till I saw a ball hurtling towards him through the slice in my bang.

Maybe it was my stupid reflexes that grabbed Damiens shoulder and pushed him out the way; or the fact if he got hit he'd start a fight, anyways it was a stupid idea.

Seeing as the ball slammed right into my face rather then into Damiens back. I fell right on my back due to the sheer power of the ball that I knew for a fact was thrown by Craven, I yelled out a ouch, as my face stung like hell and my back ached.

The coach blew his whistle, pausing the game momentarily. I laid on my back not attempting to get up as I held my nose in agony, it felt broken.

"smit? You ok boy, sit up for me" the coach yelled from across the court, jogging towards me. I hissed and tried to sit up, I felt someone's hands on my shoulders that helped me as well, which from the corner of my eyes I saw was Damien.

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