Chapter Four

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For the rest of the day I hadn't seen my roommate, I asked Ramos what's going to happen to him and he simply said 'nothing, Damien does what he wants when he wants and no one in this school can tell him or do anything otherwise'. Ramos claims Damien is the king of this school, I almost fell over.

Just who was Damien? How was he so damn powerful, I didn't ask Ramos but I probably should eventually. Since I'm not going to be able to distance myself from him any time soon.

Besides the fight in the morning nothing else eventful happened. I had seen Craven in a few of my classes but I made sure not to look at him or even sit near him. He seemed like the big shot in every class he was in, Ramos said since Damien is the king Cravens the prince, i couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was there really a hierarchy in a boarding school?

Classes were over and I walked back to my dorm, many people were off to clubs or hang out spots on campus but I knew no one but Ramos and he said he had practice.

I wonder if Damien will be back at the dorm, I didn't see him on the field as I passed; so maybe he's in detention or something. I shivered slightly, the thought terrified me that what he did to those kids he'll do to me. He totally tore them to shreds- with ease at that.

When I opened my dorm door, I was disappointed but also relieved. Damien was here, but he seemed to be asleep; he laid on his stomach and had his arms crossed on his pillow as his head laid on them. He didn't move when I opened the door so it was safe to assume he was taking a cat nap.

Did they really just send him back to his room? They have this killer roomed with me?!

I stayed quiet as possible, I sneaked into my drawer and pulled a few things out, clothes I could change into. I made sure I didn't wake him up, because even I'm most angriest when I'm abruptly woken up and I don't want to set him off.

I tiptoed out and into the showers, stalls were lined up and had a thin sheet that separated them. The sides were closed off but not the front, which is why I don't want to shower when there's too many people here.

It was empty this time and I placed my stuff in a cubby as I undressed and headed of the the stall located in the corner. There was cheap shampoo sitting of a shelf connected to the shower head, at least there's something here.

The water was warm and god did it feel good, I hadn't showered in two days, too busy and too uncomfortable. I hummed slightly enjoying the warm water till I heard a creak of the door and grimaced.

I guess I'm not the only one who planned on showering. I peaked my head out the stall to see who it was, as if I knew anybody here, and I dropped the shampoo bottle when I saw it was Damien, who undressed himself at the cubby station.

Why in hells name did he come in here?! Wasn't he asleep?

Like he could hear my thoughts, his head whipped to look at me, our eyes met. I quickly yanked myself back into the privacy of the stall, my face flushed red. Well now he knows I'm in here!

I bent over to grab the bottle and tried to go back to washing my body, until I heard him walking over here; his feet slapped against the wet ground, and it got closer and closer.

Is he coming over here? Is he gonna beat me up in the shower?!

The stall next to me made a noise, and I saw his feet underneath the dark curtain. He turned the shower on and I almost coughed a lung, hes just taking a shower?

Silence fell besides the trickle of water, I bit my lip at the awkward silence. Maybe I should say something? He is my roommate, and despite the ass beating those two kids got he's been fairly chill with me.

"So... that fight earlier? You get in trouble?" I asked hesitating at first, I didn't know how to start but that probably the worst way possible.

I waited for a response, waiting to shampoo my hair so he doesn't attack me when I had soap in my eyes.

"No." He spoke, actually spoke. I blinked, as I poured the soap into my hand, well he's not ripping the curtain off and slamming me to the ground so I think we're doing pretty well.

"Oh that's good, you did quite a number on them. I was a bit worried- but you seem cool" I confessed, possibly trusting him too soon and getting too comfortable. You'd think I'd learn about trusting people easily from last experiences; but I'm dumb and worst of all gullible.

"Why were you worried." It wasn't a question, it sounded like a demand and I laughed nervously at the tension and strain in his voice. Oh god I fucked up.

"W-well, a friend said that you can get irritated easily; which isn't a bad thing! I was just worried I got on your shit list from my comment yesterday" I explained with another uneasy laugh. This is the absolute worst.

It went silent, and I quickly rinsed out the soap from my hair. I need to get out of here, before my shower drain gets stained with my damned blood.

"Ramos." He said, his voice sounding like he was about to pop a vein. I shivered slightly no matter how hot his voice is fear overtakes me every time.

"Y-Yea, your his buddy right?" I said with an uneasy laugh, I saw them sitting at lunch together with the whole rugby team at that. Of course I did not join them and ate in a secluded space outside.

"Hm" he grumbled and that was the last thing he said and I didn't bother to speak up again. I quickly finished and said a quick bye, getting dressed and heading back to the dorm room.

I laid on my bed thinking back to what happened. Is it too late to change roommates?

Chapter four!!! Not sure what to write here, hope you enjoy ? 😁

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