Chapter Thirteen

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I walked to my class slowly, I was mentally and physically drained; I remembered last night clearly. How I freaked out about Damien and how I got drunk and threw up everywhere, then of course Craven having a heart to heart with me; well kinda. After Damien and me made up we came back to the school, to our dorm and then passed out- at least I did. I didn't want to talk any more I just wanted to sleep, I still felt kinda sick and overwhelmed about how I felt.

I hadn't seen Damien in the morning, he left before I woke up which wasn't unusual. I plan on talking to him today, Im going to demand him to tell me everything he's keeping from me. If he wants to have any type of relationship with me, I want to have no secrets that leave me confused. He didn't tell me anything like I like you or let's date but I figured he wanted me, whether platonically, sexually or romantically it didn't matter regardless I need to set boundaries.

Last dude I liked screwed me over and I'm not trying to have a rerun of it. It just isn't any fun, even if the sweet moments with Damien makes me forget everything... it's only temporary.

"Yo onyx!" Ramos called from behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, he grinned at me like crazy. I can see he had a fun night.

"When did you leave the party? I totally didn't see you when Damien fucked that kid up! But you saw it right??" He asked with a wide grin and I blinked at him. Damien fought at the party? No way, I didn't see anything since I was outside for god knows how long... I suddenly remembered last night and the smudged red stain on Damiens fist.

"No what happened? I ended up outside puking my guts out" I said sheepishly rubbing my neck, I definitely had drank too much and I could still feel it slightly. The slight numbness and groggy feeling I felt made me want to just sleep all day.

"Well- ok at first I was dancing for these smoking hot girls right? And then Damien appeared right in front of me! All angry and shit I thought he was gonna beat my ass! But he turned to the guy next to me and got him right in the face- he was crazy mad" he explained moving his hands around. I looked at him with eyes wide, was it me that made him that mad? I'm sure that anger was meant for me not for that bystander... or hell maybe he was going to beat up Ramos but stopped himself.

"Damn too bad I missed it" I said sarcastically, I wonder if I was there would I have tried to stop him? Or would I have watched and cheered him on, Maybe I am sick in the head. I would rather Damien kept his hands to himself though, I know how it is to be beaten on for no reason and he takes it to a whole other level of ass beating.

"The dude tried fighting back but no ones a match for Damien so we all know how it ended. I just thanked god it wasn't me at the end of that fist" Ramos said with a laugh, I gave a nervous laugh with him.

"Alright I gotta head to my next class, we can talk more at study hall alright?" He said and I nodded waving him off. I totally forgot about laying low with him but I looked around and didn't see Craven anywhere.

Maybe I should try talking to Craven again, he wasn't telling me all that for nothing and I don't know why he thinks I want to inherit anything from our father. I don't actually like my dad, I barely spoke to him when he picked me up from.... I'm surprised he bailed me out, did what he did to cover up for me and make sure I didn't end up in prison.

I had been trying to keep my thoughts off from it, my past. I wanted to lay low here at this school but it seems I'm more connected to the people here then I thought. I wonder how Damien would react if he knew what I did... I'm sure he doesn't think I'm some innocent saint but who knows with him.

I continued to my classes and carried on with my day, when I saw Damien we acted like we didn't know each other. It was just how I wanted it but I wanted to talk to him during class and at lunch, maybe craven wouldn't make a big deal about it if i did.

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