Chapter One

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Last place I ever wanted to be stuck in, was at a boarding school for all boys. Yea sure the romanticized idea would be that I'm surrounded by hot dudes and I live in my own personal harem.

The reality is as soon as any of them thinks I'm a wee bit gay, I'm doomed. When I was forced out of the closet last year because of some damned prank, I was jumped after school almost everyday, stolen from, made fun of; and this was only from a small group of jocks.

Though eventually I finally snapped, and ended up doing something bad. So bad that I was expelled from the school, and my uncle finally kicked me out; forcing my biological father to take me in.

And by in I mean he sent me to this school. Where I'll have my own dorm and he won't have to look at my face.

I stood behind the principal who showed me around the school, there was only one period left for the day so I wouldn't start them till tomorrow. I felt uncomfortable I never been to a school like this, it was different.

"Now, I heard you had problems at your last school! But your father assured me you'd be well behaved, and from a man great as him I'll take his word for it" the principal chirped, he seemed quite happy. I don't even think he was supposed to show me around, but due to him knowing who my father is I don't think he wanted to miss a chance to form a better bond to my family name.

Well it's not really my family name, I never took my fathers last name. I don't think the principal realizes I'm a bastard child, meaning his good will won't be getting noticed by my father.

I dragged the luggage behind me as we went outside towards a large building, that I only guessed to be the dorms. Between the dorms and the school was a massive field meant for sports no doubt. There were actually a few men on the field, probably a team practicing.

I didn't watch, only keeping forward to follow pace with the principal; but the principal stopped and looked at the boys who played, and placed a hand on my shoulder halting me.

"Those boys running the field? Our own rugby team, the Wellington Wolves, who've never lost a game in over a decade" he spoke proudly about the teenagers who ran into each other, I'm not sure how this team could win with all the combined concussions they probably have.

"Entertaining" I muttered, not giving a damn. I didn't hate sports, I just knew jack shit about it; and cared even less. Some of the boys on the team stopped their practice to look our way.

They were masculine and extremely well built, especially for what 16 to 18 year olds? They were way too good looking- but it is a prestigious school; I know only the elite go here.

I noticed one boy, taller then the rest- better looking then the rest. If my dark fringe didn't cover half my face you'd probably see my heated cheeks. He didn't have a damned shirt on, and I was ogling him; Like the weirdo I am. He stared at me intensely as well, he had grey eyes and slicked backed dark hair presumably from the sweat. He was too intense I was forced to look away.

Maybe this school isn't so bad with eye candy like him... and you know he seems familiar, maybe he's been in magazines?

My eyes then laid on the next boy the second tallest of the group- my throat tightened. He looked at me once and immediately looked away as If he hadn't seen me. Ah yes I forgot he'd be here as well, my half brother.

Last time we actually held a conversation was when we were ten. I had lived with him for a while, my mom was a stay at home maid so we often played together; until my mother died and we had discovered that my father was none other then her boss.

Just like that our friendly bond was ruined and I was sent to live with my moms uncle.

"Oh there's your brother Craven, did you not know he's on the team as well? shall we greet him?" the principal said with a pat on my shoulder and my eyes widened.

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