Chapter Thirty One

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Tw/ sexual content

"What the fuck happened?" Damien bellowed as he helped me into his home, I cringed at his loud voice. The loss of blood had me a little off,  it was hard to focus.

"Shut ... up. I got a lead thats all that matters" I told him groggily and he growled in response. He suddenly picked me up and brought me upstairs. I was a bit stunned by his actions but I didn't mind it.

"Why the hell is this kid here?" I heard a voice from behind us say and I peered over his shoulder to see his uncle who looked not very approving of the situation.

"Shut up. I need you to go get the medical supplies" Damien said and kicked open the door to his room and laid me down on his bed.

"It's not the big of a deal I just need stitches" I said breathlessly as it still hurt like a bitch.

"Why should we help a Giotto, Damien this isn't smart" his uncle said and Damien quickly grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Get it before there's a bullet in your leg next" he threatened before letting him go. They had a mini stare off and I could tell there was a lot of tension in the room.

"Chill!  I'm fine!" I reassured, Damien gave him one last nasty look before returning to my side. His hands sprung to my pants to pull them down as gently as he could. I still cringed as the fabric rubbed against the wound, Damien must've noticed as he gently lifted up the fabric.

"Can you wait a second before you jump me." I half assed joked trying to not be affected by the pain. He glared in response not finding my joke funny in the slightest.

"What the fuck did you do to get shot, I knew you were going to do something stupid. I just fucking knew it" he seethed out and inspected the wound, he lifted up my leg slightly and I felt humiliated to be like this in front of him. I probably looked like a hell of a mess and him seeing me in my tighty whities was just the cherry on top.

"It went right through its fine" again I attempted to lessen the severity of the moment.

"You could've been shot in the god damn head, we're you that pissed at me you thought you could do this shit on your own?" He asked angrily and I sighed, simply closing my eyes. I don't have the energy to argue.

"We'll talk about this later, I just need sleep" I said and I heard the sound of another set of footsteps but didn't open my eyes to see who it was.

"Here." Said the uncle, I could hear something shift and I imagined it was the medical kit. "This is a bad decision Damien. You need to just send him home" the uncle reasoned, and I started to lose consciousness going in and out of a dream state.

"It's my fucking decision" was all he said before I entered the world of pure darkness.

I woke up to a bandaged and stitched up thigh. I felt a bit cold but besides the ache in my thigh I was ok. I placed the back of my hand on my forehead, wondering why I even came here. Why did I come to Damien, why not my own family?

I felt relief seeing Damien- safety, I never felt that with anyone else. I wanted to depend on him but at what cost? I don't know if he'll stay by my side in the end, it could end up just like last time.

"I see your up"

My eye flickered to Damien who sat a bit aways from my bedside, his hair was disheveled and his shirt unbuttoned. He looked tired and worn out, had he been watching me this entire time?

"Cant believe I passed out. Embarrassing" I muttered, giving a weak laugh. Something as trivial as a gunshot wound and I went out cold- righr in front of him.

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