part twenty seven

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i grab my phone, in little bold letters it reads. thursday 9 december. a year ago today i had my incident, a year ago today nick and i kissed for the first time, sixteen years ago today i was born. a lot has happened a year ago today. nicks been at his friends house for a few hours and i'm drawing and doing random things at the house.

nick doesn't know about my birthday, i never told him. it just never came up in conversation and i didn't want to bring it up out of the blue, it does no harm and if he does ask, ill tell him.

"sweetheart?" nicks mom says from downstairs.


"would you come down please?" i step downstairs, she has a letter in her hands. "it's your birthday?!"

"yeah.." i never told her either.

"why didn't you tell us?" she's coming over to hug me.

"it never came up!" i shrug.

"we should be celebrating!" she's smiling. i don't really want to celebrate though, i don't want to make a big deal of me just getting older and closer to becoming an adult.

"no.. i'm fine!" i pause, she looks at me confused. "nicks out with friends anyway, i don't want to make a huge thing of it!" im finding a drink in the fridge.

"no, no, no! i'm calling him now!" the phone rings for a bit but then i can tell nick picks up the phone because she smiles. "hi nicky, did you know it's millie birthday?" she laughs and nods. "i know, i know. are you coming home?" they talk for a bit while i lean against the table. i don't like that i'm making him leave. "he's on his way now!" his moms smiling at me.

around fifteen minutes later the front door opens and nick hugs me. his head rests on mine. "millie! you should've told me, i wouldn't have gone out to hang out with my rugby mates!" hes now looking at my face. i'm smiling a bit. we everyone is talking about what we should do today.

"honestly i kind of want a day in with everyone.." i say, it's true i don't like having big celebrations with people all around, it overwhelms me.

"we can do that.." nick nods. i'm glad he's here for me. i'm glad he's my boyfriend.

we spend the rest of the day doing nothing. we watched some films, we talked, it was a good day. i love days like these, i love days that we don't do anything yet still doing something. me and nick are lying together in bed, my head on his chest. he's twirling my hair in his fingers and i'm holding his other hand. "nick?" i quickly say. "yeah?" hes still messing with my hair. "what's going to happen when you go to uni?" i'm still holding  his hand and we're not looking at each other. "what d'you mean?" hes as quiet as me. "like, do you want to break up whenever it's time for you to leave?" my voice breaks in and out. "no, no, i'm not going to break up with you. millie, i seriously think i'm never going to break up with you." he chuckles quietly while he's shaking his head. "do you promise?" i hold up my pinky. he  hold his up next to mine and we enter-twine them. i fall asleep on his chest.

he's absolutely the most perfect person i've ever met.

a couple weeks later it's christmas morning, i spent last christmas with nick but it was sad because i recently had my incident. it's seven in the morning and nicks shaking me to wake up. "it's christmas!" he shouts over and over. he's never been so excited. i sit up and rub my eyes, he's finding slippers for me but i get up anyway. we get downstairs and there's presents. i've bought some of them.

"good morning!" i say, hugging nicks mom.

"happy christmas!" shes smiling.

nick and i sit on the couch together while we open presents. nick got a new t.v, some rugby equipment, a few books, a record player, socks, and i made him a photo thing filled with memories of the past year. nick cried at my present. i got books, a hair straightener, a new laptop, socks, and harry styles concert tickets, i cried a lot when i opened that. today is a great day.

"harry's having this party thing with friends and everyone's exchanging gifts and stuff, do you wanna go?" nicks finding places for all of his presents.

"sure, is it going to be a big party?" i say, also trying to find places to put my gifts.

"i don't think so, probably like his rugby mates and their girlfriends." nick shrugs. i nod and start to get dressed. i look at my reflection, my freckles have faded a bit and my hairs grown. i run my finger over the scar on my stomach, i turn to the side to see if my stomach looks different, it does a bit. i don't know when, but nick notices what i'm doing so he sneaks up behind me and kisses me. his arms are wrapped around my waist and mine are wrapped around his neck. we kiss for a second and i finished getting dressed. i put on a sweater, some fleece tights, and a skirt.

"you're so pretty." nicks smiling and looking at me fix my hair in the mirror.

we leave at twelve, it's snowing. nick gave me his sweatshirt to put over my legs even  though i insisted to not. i love snow, even though it seems like everyone hates it, i love it. harry's party is at a coffee shop. there's not too many people here.

nick and i walk in to see a circle of people bundled up drinking coffee with presents by their side. "hey!" harry exclaims. nick waves and we sit down, his hand on my leg. he's smiling greeting everyone. i love nick, like i adore him.

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