15 ☠️

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There was still an endless chatter in the room, something I learned rarely ends with these guys. Whether it was them talking happily about the most random things, a heartfelt conversation between some of them about the whole happening, talking about preparations, or just anything to keep their minds off of what was yet to come. It was nice in a way to hear the chatter, it was most definitely distracting, but the stream of terrible thoughts still penetrated my mind more than I wished it would. Really though, who would even want to have bad thoughts in the first place.

The past few hours after the meeting had been spent just laying down, pretending to get some extra sleep. I wished I'd actually get some more sleep, but falling asleep in unfamiliar places had never been a strong point of mine. Funny if you think about it, I'm safer here than I was at home, so you'd think it would be the opposite. I could hear a light snoring next to me, probably from Seungmin who said he was going to get some more sleep. Lucky him, must be nice to just be able to fall asleep like that.

"I'm worried about him," I could hear Changbin say in a hushed voice, probably referring to Seungmin. "We knew it was going to be difficult, bringing him along, but I'm really starting to think we made a wrong choice by letting him join," he ended it with. I half opened my right eye, the one closest to the ground, trying to catch a glimpse of Seungmin without anyone noticing. He looked so peaceful... After a few seconds of silence, Changbin continued. "I mean, come on, I can't be the only one who thought so right? I could see Minho's expression when running through the ice mist looking at Seungmin. He definitely looked somewhat uncomfortable too..."

I could hear Chan sigh, revealing he was the one Changbin was talking to. "I know, I know... I know too that bringing someone with the lyme disease wasn't the smartest in a survival area, but he's the only person with actual medical experience. He's our best shot at making sure any injuries heal the way they should. Besides, we were lucky we had him, without him, we'd still be a man short even with Y/N, we never would have qualified then..." Changbin sighed in defeat, knowing too that Chan was right, but unable to let his worries go.

"Speaking of Y/N..." My ears perked up upon hearing Changbin say my name. The others were all still talking, probably not noticing the conversation, too caught up in their own to notice. I slightly opened my eye again, this time trying to get a glance of the situation, yet instead meeting Seungmin's eyes, who had apparently been doing the same as I did. You could clearly see the sadness in his eyes, making my heart sting a little. The poor guy heard it all. "What do you think of her?" Changbin continued, making me shut my eyes real quick again, afraid of getting caught.

"Honestly? I'm not sure yet. So far she's made quite the contributions, but there's just something... off, I can't wrap my finger around it. It just seems like she knows too much about all of it, the survival, like she's been training for all the specific things. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I still can't help but feel wary of her for some reason." I couldn't go against him, I understood his reasoning, but it still felt bad. I'd thought I at least proved myself now, but maybe it just made me more suspicious rather than trustworthy. Maybe I should take a step back, work on earning their trust first. There's no way any of this was going to go right otherwise.

"I'm starting to like her though," Changbin countered. "She's terrible with communication, but I think there's a lot more to her than she's showing so far. I find myself wanting to see what is."


"Is everyone ready?" Chan asked us after a few hours, with everyone up and ready. I looked around me, looking over at everyone. Backpacks were on, and everyone stood in the best position to run, all trying to get out as fast as we could. I still hadn't exactly figured out what it was they discussed,  since I didn't get the chance to talk to Changbin alone, but from what I could see it wasn't anything new that wasn't discussed afterwards. Probably just the plan to devide us into groups anyways. Chan glanced over at us once more, waiting for everyone to nod before making the final decision. We probably had an hour or two left, but we weren't going to make any risks here. We were all set up the stairs to the next door, one by one, with Changbin last to quickly close the door after.

"I'm going to open it now, in three... two.... one..."

Everyone was blinded by a light, the feeling of sand hitting everyone in the face with an awfully hot wind joining it. I couldn't even see what I was running into, but all I knew was that I had to get out as fast as possible before anyone would be caught in yet another explosion. I sprinted up the stairs, continuing to run as fast as I could over the now uneven ground. My eyes were trying to adjust, but since all was so fast they didn't even get the chance yet to do so. My body slammed into another person, able to make out Seungmin vaguely who had already stopped running.

"Changbin, hurry up and close that damned thing," Chan yelled out, just as Changbin slammed the door closed again, running up to the rest. I couldn't help but count instantly, as soon as the door closed. One... two.... three.... four.... five.... six... seven.... eight.... nine.... ten.... eleven.... twel- there is was. The impact. Too fast for my liking. We shouldn't have been any slower or it might bring us in more danger. The door and small bunker coming out of the sand completely collapsed, disappearing under the large layers of sand that was covering the the next zone we had found ourselves in.

A desert, with nothing else but sand in sight.

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