Chapter THREE

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Chapter THREE


Many. Many. Many drinks later and we all stood up dancing and singing along to the music. Fraya is dancing with Taehyung (V) and Hoseok (J-Hope) which are their real names. I was dancing with Jimin and Jungkook whilst Namjoon (RM) and Seokjin (Jin) were sitting talking in one of the booths, well I say talking they are filming us whilst we dance and taking photos. Jimin's hand slides around my waist for like the 7th since we've been dancing and my hips bump and move against his as my arms wrap around his neck. His eyes capture mine and for a while, we dance whilst gazing into each other's eyes. This strong urge to kiss him built up inside me but I pushed it away as it was a drunk thought. I quickly pull away from him and head toward the back so I could go for a cig but not before making myself another drink and downing two shots as well. I stumble slightly down the stairs and stand in the doorway. I light up a cig and take a large drag of it. I let out the smoke and smile at the peaceful feeling it gives me. "Those will kill you," Jimin says from behind me causing me to jump.

"Jeez, you scared me," I say as I take another drag.

"Sorry I didn't mean to," he says with a weak smile, I roll my eyes and bite my lip slightly. Even a weak smile looks handsome on him.

"It's okay, I'm used to being scared, it comes with the job description especially here when the staff love to creep up on people," I say with a happy smile on my face. These guys who work here are my family and we have so many fun memories together and I would never change that for the world.

"Haha sounds like a fun place to work, I'm the same with the lads, we have so much fun together but pranking Jhope is always fun because he gets scared the easiest," Jimin states and takes the cig from my hand and has a quick drag but soon starts coughing as soon as the smoke hits his lung. I burst into laughter as he catches his breath. He gives me back the cig and I finish off the rest of it.

"I don't think smoking is for you" I laugh and turn to head for the stairs.

His hand grabs a hold of my wrist and causes me to turn to look at him. His eyes are dark but not in a scary way more like lust-filled which makes my body go insane. I bite my lip intensely as I stare into his eyes. I feel him tug on my hand causing me to come close to him. My eyes did not leave his for a second. His face closes in on mine, his warm breath fanning my face as I wait for the touch of his lips against mine. Within seconds his lip gently presses against mine and it's a gentle but sweet kiss which makes me slightly confused. I pull away and look at him with a surprised face but he soon recovers and crashes his lips against mine in a more passionate and rough kiss. My back falls against the door frame as I feel his hands grab my thighs and lift me off the floor. My legs wrap around his waist and my hands go straight to his hair. The taste of vodka on his lips drives me crazy and makes me want him more. His hand squeezes my arse and causes me to gasp slightly, he takes this as an opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. Our tongue battle for dominance but he wins of cause. I tug at his hair slightly which makes him groan into my mouth. I pull away from the kiss for a second to catch my breath but his lips go straight for my neck, leaving sweet and rough kisses along my collarbone. "Tash are you down there" I hear Fraya call which breaks me out of the daze I was in. I unwrap my legs from his waist and gently push him back as I compose myself and head back upstairs. I quickly sort my hair out and reapply my lipstick when I head back onto the bar.

"Hey" I smile at her as I down my drink.

"Where have you been?" She asks me and I did the cig hand gesture when Jimin walks up the stairs with his hair still slightly messy and I bite my lip not looking at him or her. I go to the dance floor and begin to dance with V who was doing the body roll.
Jungkook finally woke up and begins dancing along with us all. He takes out his phone and starts filming me and V dancing as we began to grind against each other which causes the other to join in so there was a line of us all grinding against each other. It goes Jungkook, Fraya, RM, V, me, Jimin, Suga, Jhope and Jin. It's funny because we are all in time and having someone grinding against you while you grind against someone else is the weirdest feeling ever. But after long I couldn't contain it anymore and burst into laughter. The little golden make starts laughing as well which breaks the chain so we just start to dance as a big group instead of a line. I take out my phone and check the time and notice it was way past closing time. Shit!!!

"Fraya it's like almost 6 am," I say and she lets out a huge gasp.

"Why hasn't Graham come up and told us and asked us to tell them to leave?" She asks me and I shake my head not having a clue, I grab my radio and buzz Graham.

"Hey what's up?" His voice asks.

"Um... what time are we closing ?" I ask knowing full well he's aware we're still open up here.

"Well whenever the lads are ready too as they seem to be hanging more fun the I planned," he said and I knew what it meant by that. I hang my head and stick my radio back into my belt.

"He says till they want to leave and it's not like we have loads to clean up anyway," I say and continue to dance. I feel a hand slip into mine which makes me turn round to face them. Jimin takes out his phone and clicks into the camera app. He puts on a cute filter as I lean onto my tippy toes and kiss his cheek as he snaps the photo. He looks at me and I kiss his lips this time as he takes another one. We take a few cuter photos when their manager walks over and suggests that they should get off as they have a concert to prepare for later on today. The boys let out a boo as they don't want to leave but I and Fraya just giggle.

"We'll be here again tomorrow as we're open on a Sunday too" I smile and they all cheer which makes me laugh. Jimin gives my hand a squeeze causing me to look at him.

"Well I guess this is goodbye," he says as he puts his pet lip out in a sulk.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again" I smile and give him a quick peck but he holds me in place making the kiss deep and passionate again. Oh god, his lips feel amazing against mine. As my arms automatically wrapped around his neck. I hear a camera snap like someone was taking a photo which causes us to break.

"Right c'mon lad time to go" they manage to say and they cuddle us and we say our goodbyes. As they leave I close the door behind them and crack on with the cleaning.

After an hour everything is done and we can finally relax before Graham comes and lets us out. "I got all their numbers except Jimin's" Fraya says with a huge grin on her face.

"Shit I didn't get his number" I sigh and bang my head onto the table. How could I forget to get his number? Stupid me! Stupid me! I pulled out my phone and saw many Instagram notifications.

"I wonder what Kelly has tagged me in now," I say as I unlock my phone and click open the app. When it appears on my screen.

BTS'S Jimin Caught Making Out in A Nightclub Door Frame with Mystery Girl.

Oh shit!

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