Chapter FOUR

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Chapter FOUR


I wake up with the biggest hangover as I try to recall all the events from last night. I groan as I can't remember a bloody thing. "What the hell did I do?" I say to myself so sit up and grab my phone off charge. When I see a text from my Lil sister.


What the hell did I do last night. I unlock my phone and dial Fraya's number. I press my phone to my ear and listen to it ring a couple of times. "Hello" she groans telling me I just woke her up.

"Care to explain what happens as I've just got a lovely text from my sister saying I kissed someone?" I asked not being 100% sure what the hell happened.

"Ahaha you can't remember a thing can you" she laughs weakly; she's hanging too just like me.

"Nope so tell me everything now!!" I say a little too loud for my likening.

"Jeeez, let me wake up first and I'll tell you everything. I haven't even had coffee yet" she says whilst rustling around.

"Okay, but please tell me as to why my sister is pissed off with me and who the hell did I kiss?" I asked being even more confused about everything.

"Well, you kissed Jimin from BTS your sisters' fav kpop band. Don't you remember them coming in?" She asks me and I think about it for a second and I don't remember a thing since I started work. I can't have drunk that much.

"Nope not a thing, all I remember is talking to Tom in the staff room" I reply.

"Wow, how drunk were you?" She asked me and I shrug even though she can't see me.

"I didn't think I was that drunk but I guess I was" I cringe as I put her on speaker and click the Instagram app seeing over 100 notifications. I scroll through them and see people tagging me in things and sending me death threats. Seriously what the hell did I do?

"Oh god, what have I done ?" I say as I finally see the photo of me with my legs wrapped around some blonde block and our lips smacked against each other standing in the doorway of the back entrance of work.

"You seemed really into Jimin last night as seen by that picture and my Snapchat story," she says making me log into Snapchat and go through her story. I cringe as I see myself kissing the same blonde block and grinding against him.

"No wonder Kelly wants to kill me. I kissed someone she adores" I say face palming. When I notice a message from an account I don't recognize.

"BigHit_Ent has messaged me," I say out loud as I begin to read the message.

BigHit_Ent - Hello, we are messaging you due to the scandal between you and one of our band members, Jimin regarding the photo taken early hours this morning. We are requesting you to come to a meeting so we can discuss the next steps to be taken to avoid any more. Yours sincerely BigHit entertainment.

I let out a massive sigh and hit myself for letting myself get soo drunk and do something so stupid. I quickly type back a reply.

Tasha-Jayne96 - Hello, um... thank you for your message and I would be willing to come to the meeting just let me know and time and a date and I'll be there as I don't want to be a part of this scandal and it doesn't look good on my bosses' business either so anything to get this resolved. Tasha.

I quickly send the message and tell Fraya all about it as she explains how everything happened. "Why would you let me do such a stupid thing??" I ask her whilst also blaming her at the same time.

"Bitch don't blame me for your action. You were the one with your tongue done his throat all night. I was busy talking to the others all night. Unlike you I didn't kiss any of them" she says and I roll my eyes as some of the events come back to me. Fucking hell why am I soo stupid. I light up and cig as I'm in desperate need to get rid of this regret feeling coursing through my veins.

"Ugh... I'm gonna have to go and give Kelly a ring so I can explain everything and apologize" I sigh. She soon going to hate me.

"Okay, let me know how it goes you Lil thot" she laughs and hangs up the call. I quickly dial Kelly's number and listen to it ring.

After about 6 missed calls she finally picks up. "Hey, Kel. Listen let me explain everything." I plead down the phone.

"Go on then" she replies sourly. Yep, she hates me.

"Well, last night the BTS boys booked the VIP room and everything was going swell till our boss said we should join in and enjoy ourselves which was probably the worst idea imaginable. Anyway we joined in an I got a little too drunk and when I went for a cig Jimin followed me out back. And we stood there talking and he took a drag off my cig and coughed bless him and well we were in real proximity of each other and with us being quite drunk we kissed. I didn't think anyone saw and to be quite honest I couldn't remember it till Fraya told me a few moments ago" I explain and I take another drag off my cig.

"Oh... okay so it was a drunken mistake then?" She asked and I thought about it for a second and yeah it was.

"Yeah, it was. I didn't mean to hurt you and to be honest, I can't really remember much of last and now I'm dragged into 'tis scandal and now I'm getting hate and death threats" I sigh and finish off my cig. Why would I let myself get into this mess? I'm meant to be smarter than that.

"Why would you kiss Jimin though. He's my bias 100% and I've loved him since I discovered BTS now I have to find a new bias" she yells at me and I sigh again. What's so great about this guy. Yeah, he's fit but c'mon it was a drunken mistake.

"What's a bias ??" I asked confused as hell.

"It's your favourite member of the group" she explains and I say Awee out of habit.

"Aren't you meant it like them all?" I question.

"I do but everyone and their favourites and mine were Jimin. I guess it's going to have to be Jungkook now" she states and I laugh at the memory of the young-looking one being passed out on the sofas.

"Yeah he is adorable, he passed out drunk it was so cute," I say in Awee of the boy.

"Wait!!! You met him too" she says in shock.
"I met them all. Haven't you watched Frays SC story" I say without thinking? I shouldn't have told her that.

"NO!!! I'm gonna watch it now" she says and there is a 5 minutes silence I hear the music from the last playing in the background.

"YOU KISSED HIM MORE THAN ONCE AND YOU MET BTS!!! HAGAUUFBFNWKDHF!! I'm so fucking jealous of you right now" she says which causes me to laugh.

"Hey!!! Watch the language missy" I scolded her and she apologizes.

We talk more about last night and she asks me questions about the boys which I found weird as I barely know anything about them. I eventually end the call and see another message from BigHit.

BigHit-Ent - The meeting will take place at the London o2 arena, tomorrow at 6 pm and you may bring a lawyer if you wish to. Thank you for your cooperation, BigHit

I sigh. Why the hell would I need a lawyer and how and I meant to find one on such short notice: looks like I'm doing this on my own. Curse you drinking habit!!!!

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