Chapter THIRTY

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Chapter THIRTY


The plane journey to Canada wasn't that bad it only took a few hours and I slept through all of it thanks to the help of being cuddled up next to my cute boyfriend. We were quickly hustled into another minibus which I am relieved about as I still feel sleepy and drained.

"Get me to the hotel room, I just wanna sleep" I yawn as I rest my head on Jungkook's shoulder as Jimin was directed into the other bus by Sejin which has left me curious but I'll find out when we get to our rooms. Kookie runs his hands through my hair and lightly kisses the top of my head. To say he's younger than me, he does look after me a hell of a lot.

"Go to sleep now if you like and I'll wake you up when we get to the hotel" he whispers and I nod my head and close my eyes. I doubt I'll fall asleep but I'll just stay quiet and listen to what the boys will be talking about.

"I wonder if Sejin is talking to Jimin-Shi about Tasha's birthday surprise ?" Jim whispers trying to not disturb me from my sleep, even though I am not sleeping.

"Most likely. He's going all out for her birthday. He's booked a day at a spa, restaurant and another hotel room booked just for her birthday. He does like Tash and I can see why? It's a shame really because I'd happily be Natasha's boyfriend" Kookie adds which makes me smile slightly as I try to stay still and sleep.

"I thought you were talking to Alicia ?" Yoongi asks him, he makes a weird noise and wraps an arm around me.

"I am but it's not the same as when I'm talking to Natasha, she's making me laugh and we can have a joke together which is what I like. Don't get me wrong Alicia is really pretty but she doesn't have anything on Tash" Kookie explains as I snuggle into him more.

"I heard Namjoon likes Tasha as well," Taehyung added.

"She's a very popular girl." Jin states. I'm not exactly close to Jin as I am with Kookie and Namjoon but that's because he tends to stay quiet most of the time and doesn't talk to me that often. I should try and have a conversation with him at some point or maybe even hang out with him more.

I feel a slight nudge on my shoulder as the car slows down. "Tasha, darling where here" Kookie whispers to try and wake me up. I don't budge as the mini bus door slides open. My eyes flutter open slowly as I pretend to wake up, I let out a little yawn and a stretch. I unfasten my seat belt and clamber out of the car, with my bag over my shoulder.

"I can give you a piggyback ride if you like, as you still look tired" Kookie replies and I nod my head. He crouches down slightly and I leap onto his back and place my hands on his shoulders and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me into the hotel as the staff bring in our bags for us, I see Jimin standing around the sofa but as we enter the hotel's main lobby. He turns around and sees me and Kookie which instantly earns a very unhappy glare. I roll my eyes as we get closer to them. I lay my head on Kookie's shoulder and give his cheek a light kiss hoping Jimin sees it.

"What the hell is going on here?" He snaps at us as I jump off JK's back. I grab my things and snatch a door key out of Jimin's hand and walk towards the elevator.

"Jimin. Stop overreacting me and Tash are just friends. She was a sleep in the minibus on the way here and I offered to carry her until she woke up fully" Jungkook explained as I inched closer to the elevator. I press the button and wait for it, I feel a hand on my shoulder which I shrug off rather roughly.

"Hey! I'm sorry. I need to stop overreacting when it comes to your and Jungkook's friendship. I just hate how you openly flirt in front of me" Jimin says weakly and I roll my eyes again as the doors open and I step into the metal container. I quickly scan the floor plan above the button and press the right one for our floor.

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