Chapter EIGHT

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Chapter EIGHT


Jimin is peacefully asleep as I sit on the chair staring out of the window. I sigh and run my hands over my face. How could I let this happen? How could I be so stupid? How could I get that drunk and kiss someone I barely know let alone a kpop idol? Why did I agree to be his girlfriend? Why do I keep letting things go so far? Why can't I stop this desire to kiss him? Why him? I stand up from my seat and walk out of the room. I make my way towards the kitchen and switch on the kettle. I check the time and see it's 3 am. I groan quietly not trying to wake anyone up. I grab a cup from the cupboard and pop in a tea bag and two scoops of sugar. I head to the mini-fridge and take out the carton of milk. I pour the boiling water into the cup and set it back on the stand. I screw off the lid to the milk and fill the cup up. I put the lid back on and put it back into the fridge. I take the spoon off the side and stir my drink. I strain the tea bag and drop it into the bin. I take a sip and set it on the costar as I take a seat on top of the counter. I see a figure coming over from the direction of the rooms as I take another sip of my tea. Namjoon walks into the kitchen and smiles at me.

"Can't sleep either huh?" I ask and he shoots me the 'don't you know it'd look and I giggle slightly.

"Jimin asleep or something?" He asks and I just nod my head as I drink my tea. He makes a cup of coffee and takes a place next to me on the counters.

"This situation sucks doesn't it," he says breaking me from my train of thought.

"You're telling me. Before all this, I was happy working in a nightclub and being no one. Now I'm a kpop idols girlfriend for two weeks and involved in a huge scandal where fans are sending me death threats and hate every second" I groans and clench my fists at how annoyed I am at myself.

"Wait the ARMY is sending you threats and hate?" He asks shocked, I unlock my phone and open Instagram. I click on the photo I posted earlier of me and Jimin and scroll through the comments. I show Namjoon and he grinds his teeth in anger.

"Never once did I think our fans would be like that. You don't deserve any of this. Even if you and Jimin didn't decide to date you still don't deserve all this shit" he says angry and set his cup on the counter and stands in front of me.

I look at him confused when he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back automatically and smile.

"Thank RM, it's nice to know you don't agree with it either" I smile as we pull out of the hug. I see Jimin standing in the doorway looking at me like I just killed his cat.

"What's going on here?" He asks Namjoon and refuses to look in my direction.

"Nothing. We were just talking about how awful the fans are being to her and you two and I gave her a hug to apologize on their behalf" he explains and I finish off my teas. I place the empty cup in the sink and hop down from the counter. I walk out of the kitchen ignoring Jimin's yelling my name. I walk toward the rooms and walk straight passed Jimin and look for an empty one. I can not deal with this tonight I have way too much going off in my head right now. I find an empty room and lock the door behind me. I climb into the bed and place my phone on the side. I get comfy and close my eyes. Before I know it I drift to sleep.

I wake in an unfamiliar room when the event of last night comes back to me. I groan and grab my phone. I see a message from that girl who stuck up for me. I open Instagram and click on the message.

ARMY4LIFE - Hey it's fine you don't have to explain to me. It just really annoyed me how you kept getting all this hate for something that as you put it was a drunken mistake. Jimin and You look cute anyway so I ship it 😂

I type back a reply.

Tasha-Jayne96 - thanks for the support. Well, I and Jimin am now dating but only for 2 weeks till all this dies down and then it's back to normal life which I can't wait for.

I lock my phone and climb out of the bed. I walk over to the door and unlock it to reveal a fast asleep Jimin leaning against the wall opposite it. I walk straight past him and into the living room. I take a seat on the couch next to Jungkook who was more focused on the child program on the TV. I unlock my phone and see another message from that lass. I'm assuming it's a girl.

ARMY4LIFE - Ooooooo! #Tashmin for life 😂😂 it's a shame it's only for two weeks because you guys seem in love with the photo you uploaded and the one I saw on Twitter. Can I ask you something?

I type back a reply with a giggle.

Tasha-Jayne96 - Yeah go ahead. 😊

I put my phone into my lap when Jimin walk into the room looking at me annoyed. "Why did you wake me up when you got out of the room?" He shouts at me and I just roll my eyes.

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake up" I bite back as I stand up and try to leave the living room. He grabs hold of my hand and pulls my back in front of him.

"Why didn't you answer the door, I was banging on it for the majority of the nights, I texted, rang you and everything" he continues to shout. I take my arm out of his grasp and walk away from him. I walk straight into his room and change into some clean clothes. I shove my PJs into my bag and zip it up. I take hold of it and walk out of the room and down the hall towards the living room. I ignore all the boys as they call after me as I head towards the door. I open the door and walk out of the room. I click the elevator button and wait for it. The doors soon open and the man from last tonight gives me a weird look.

"Did you have a falling out?" He asks and I nod my head. He presses the bottom floor button as the doors close I see Jimin run-up to it a little too late now.

Jimin's POV:

"Why didn't you answer the door, I was banging on it for the majority of the nights, I texted, rang you and everything" I yell at her and her face turns sour. She rips her out of my grasp and walks toward the room. I storm out of the living room and out onto the balcony. The cold air calms me down and I look at the view in front of me. Why did she not let me in last night? Why is she suddenly being so cold towards me? Why can't I get her out of my head? Why does my body react in such a way that all I want to do is have her close and kiss those perfect lips of her? Why do I dread the day this all ends and we have to break up? I hear the boys yelling her name from the living room which causes me to go back in and look at them confused. "What's going on?" I ask them.

"Tash has just left with her bag," JK says and I just scowl at him. I walk towards my room and see everything of hers is gone. I sprint towards the elevator just as it closes I see her perfect face standing there scowling. I run towards a door and downstairs. She better still be here once I get down the stairs. I stop to quickly catch my breath and start running down them again. I soon get to the main floor and run over to the elevator which is going back upstairs. I let out a frustrated groan and head towards the door. Where the hell can she have gone?

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