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"You can't be serious. We made that before we realised that we were in love with each other. We aren't going through with it anymore" Jimin explains and I feel my breathing become heavy as I struggle to take everything in.

"Well, it's a formal contract which means at the end of these two weeks you have got to official break up and be out of each other's lives, "Sejin says. I squeeze Jimin's hand as struggle to take in any form of breath, my chest becomes tight as I start to get all hot and panicky.

"Sejin. You can't be serious. Jimin and Natasha have proved to everyone including the fan that they love each other. You can't break these two up after this week is over! it ain't fair. You're going to break both their hearts if you take it seriously" Jungkook adds and I give him a weak smile as I stay quiet and unable to breathe. Bonnie has won. She's gotten what she wanted and now I and Jimin do have to break up after the end of this week. I quickly gather my breathing and let go of Jiminie's hand and walk toward Sejin. I take the paper from his hand and rip it up right in front of everyone.

"Now there is no contract. I and Jimin don't have to break up and everything is back to normal" I say loud enough for everyone to hear, "however you got hold of this contract I will find out because it was made before I and Jimin fell more for each other. I love him with all my heart and I refuse to accept that I and him are going to break up. Sejin I'm sorry for all the trouble we've caused, but I do love him and all I want is the best for him. Honestly, I will do anything you suggest to make sure he's happy and his well-being is protected" I say to him and he gives me a stern look.

"That contract has been leaked onto all social media so now it means you are going to have to break up even with that being ripped up. There is nothing more I can do now as everyone has seen it! You have till the end of the week to spend together but once it is over it also means you too are over too. You can stay till the end of the tour and leave now and save yourselves from the heartbreak and the outrage of the fans" he says looking between me and Jimin. I'm not going to win this one. She has won and gotten what she wanted.

"I think I should go home," I say and look at Jimin who's in full-blown tears. My heart utterly shatters as I look at my boyfriend in floods of tears.

"No! No! We're not breaking up and I'm not losing you! After everything Natasha, I can't lose you and I refuse to. Let the fan think we're going to break up in a few days and we'll prove them wrong but stay together afterwards. I can't lose you. You aren't going home not when it's your birthday in two days. I had the most wonderful day planned as we don't have a concert that day and I was going to go all out. I even bought you a birthday present. I love you so much" he says as he walks over to me, his tears streaming down his cheeks. My eyes being to fill with tears as I look at how heartbroken he is. I gulp down the lump in my throat and gently wipe away the tears on his cheek, he holds my hand against his face as I stare into his eyes.

"I love you too Jimin but everyone now knows about the contract and Sejin says we have to break up. He's your manager, he's here to protect you guys. You're his only care right now not me. I want to be with you just as much as you want to be with me but we can't now. That girl has gotten what she wanted from the start and now looks at us. Who would have thought when we wrote that contract we'd fall head of heels for each other? I didn't and neither did you. All I knew back that was that I liked you and had this strange urge to be with you every day. But our time is coming to an end and we knew it was bound to happen. We should leave things now before the proper end as it's will be 10x harder to say goodbye then, rather than today" I explain as tears fall down my face. He shakes his head and I give him a weak smile. I get onto my tippy toes and plant a light kiss on his cheek and remove my hand from his face and head out of the dressing room. I walk down the hall and out of the back door.

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