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She finished up my makeup and I give her a quick hug and head back to my seat in the crowd. I pass the security guard and he scowls me as I head back to my seat. Wonder what his problem is. I find the girls and see them cheer and clap as the boys perform 'Save me/I'm fine. I stand next to them and give them both a weak smile. "Have I missed much?" I ask and they shake their heads in reply.

"Nope just Idol, and them introducing themselves" Fraya replies and I nod my head. I notice Jimin looking around this side of the stage as he searched for me but he's too far away to see me. He continues to dance hard and I get slightly worried he'll pass out again.

"Jimin is pushing himself still even after he passed out" I complain and scowl at him even though he can't see me. The song comes to an end and they start talking to the crowd again.

"Hello ARRRRRRRRRMY" Jin yells and I let out a little giggle as I clap my hands and cheer.

"How are you all doing ?" Taehyung asks them and we all scream okay which puts a huge smile on his face.

"So today is our only show in Fort Worth so we're going to work extra hard for you guys today !!!" Jimin says and everyone gives him a concerned look but he ignores it and I scowl at him again. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Fraya giving me a worried look.

"Oh, I'm going to kill him if he continues to push himself during this. He's been told by the doctors to not work so hard today" I say to her and she gives me a little laugh.

"But Jimin," Namjoon says to him but he shakes his head and whispers something into his ear. He probably doesn't want to worry the fans.

"JIMIN DON'T YOU DARE!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs over the fan. I can tell he heard me because he looks in this direction with a small smile on his face. I'm going to kill him I swear to god !!!

"Jimin-Shi you can't overdo it," Jungkook says worried and he shakes his head again and continues to talk.

"Shall we start in our next song ??? Magic shop !!!" He says to the crowd and they all scream as I feel myself well up with worry. Please don't overdo it Jimin... The music begins to play and I watch as Jimin walks down this side of the stage and in my direction. I walk over to the railings and give him a stern look.

"Don't you dare overdo it!! If you do I'm going home right now !!! I mean it Jimin" I say as he gets closer to me. He gives me a sad look but knows I'm right, he nods his head as he pouts and continues to walk down the stage. I go back to my seat and give the girls an okay sign with my hand.

"He's not going to listen to" Alicia states and I nod my head knowing full well he won't but like I just said to him I'll leave if he does.

"While drinking a glass of hot tea
And looking up at the Milky Way
You'll be alright, oh, this here is the Magic Shop" He and JK sing and they wave to the fans.

They head back up the stage and he gives me a weak smile and blows a kiss to me. Don't try and butter me up boy, you go over the top and I'll leave.

"Like a rose when blooming
Like cherry blossoms when being scattered in the wind
Like morning glory when fading
Like that beautiful moment" Hoseok raps and I see Fraya let out the world's loudest scream as his boyfriend does a cute little dance on stage.

"I always want to be the best
So I was impatient and always restless
Comparing myself with others became my daily life
My greed that was my weapon suffocated me and also became a leash" Yoongi raps and I feel myself get goosebumps. Every time he raps this always happens to me. He's like the Korean version of Eminem, he's brilliant and spits bar like he's on fire.

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