Chapter TWELVE

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Chapter TWELVE


Today is the day of the press conference and let me tell you I've never been more nervous in my life. I'm sitting applying my make-up with Fraya next to me she lets out a sigh as she bounces the beauty blender on her face. "Why do we have to do this?" She asks me and I focus on getting my eyeliner right.

"Honestly because we were stupid enough to get our drunken selves into this mess and now we have to get our arses out of it" I explain and she gives me a knowing nod.

"I'm not even dating Jhope but I need to tell the press I am. Like what the hell." She says as she applies her eye shadow.

"I think you and him should just admit the truth that you are friends but you're getting close as I and Jimin are together," I say with a smile.

"Yeah but only for two weeks till it all dies down or do you think you might stay together even after the two weeks?" She asks me and I just shrug my shoulders as I apply my mascara.

We continue finishing our make-up when Hoseok and Jimin the room. "Wow you both look amazing," Hoseok says and he walks up to Fraya and kisses her on the cheek, she blushes and gives him a shy smile. Jimin takes me by the hands and helps me to my feet. He lifts my chin and plants a peck on my lips, I smile at him when he pulls away and he gives me a cute smile back. My heart flutters in my chest as I look up at the most handsome person I've ever laid eyes on. I can see myself falling for him and it breaks my heart knowing this will all be over soon. He moves some hair away from my face and strokes his thumb across my cheek as I stare into his dreamy eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist as we stay looking into each other's eyes for a while. I hear a snap of a camera and look to see Fray taking a photo of us.

"You guys look adorable together. I'm posting this" she says and starts tapping at her phone screen. Moments later my phone pings and Jimin takes it from my back pocket. He puts in my passcode and opens the app. The photo appears on my screen with the most amazing caption ever.

Fangirl:) - Don't you just love it when you see your best mate in love with a guy who loves her back just as much. @tasha_Jayne96 you've caught a good'en there lass. Make sure you keep ahold of him. 💜

I smile as he doubles taps the photo and begins to type a comment on my account.

Tasha_Jayne96 - Fraya this girl is my world and I wouldn't let her get away even if she had the choice to - Jimin (BTS) 💕

The comments begin piling in on the picture but I ignore them as Jimin locks my phone and puts it back into my pocket. He kisses my nose which causes me to scrunch up my face when Sejin comes into the room. "It's time guys," he says as we quickly check over our appearance and leave the room. We walk out of the bedrooms and down the hall to the front room. The others wish us luck as we head out the doors towards the elevator. I slide my hand into Jimin's who gives it a gentle squeeze and kisses the top of my head whilst we wait. The elevator doors open and we all gather inside.

"Right here's what's going to happen they are going to ask you questions and you answer with the truth so for JHope and Fraya, it's that you two are friends and slowly getting close but nothing more than that and Jimin and Tash you two will get the most questions and I'm pretty sure you know what your truth is," Sejin says to us and we all nod our heads. The doors open a second later, as we step out we see a huge crowd of people gathered in the main hall of the hotel with a podium in front of them. We walk towards it as people start taking photos and yelling questions at us. We walk up the steps and stand facing the crowd. Oh wow!

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