Chapter FIVE

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Chapter FIVE


It's a few hours till the meeting and I'm standing in my bedroom throwing clothes left, right and centre out of my wardrobe trying to find something professional to wear. "Ugh!!!! What am I supposed to wear" I scream at my clothes laying on my floor? I hear my doorbell ring which makes my groan even more. I leave my room and head towards the front door. I open it and see Fraya standing there with her make-up in hand.

"I had a feeling you'd need my help" she smiles and walks in. I let out a massive sigh of relief and close the door.

"You are a life saver. I've been stressing over what to wear for the past few hours" I smile and she just laughs. She turns into my room and looks at the commotion going on.

"I can see that" she states and places her bag down on my bed. She turns to me and sits me on the bed.
After about an hour of hair, makeup and many outfits change later, I'm finally ready for the meeting. I check the time and see that I've got an hour to get to the arena and everything.

"Are you nervous?" She asks me as she packs her make-up back into her bag. I bit my lip and give her a nod.

"I just want all this to stop, I have received a shit tone of hate and it's starting to bother me. It was a drunk night out why are little 13-year-old girls kicking up such a fuss" I sigh as I look at my appearance in my full-length mirror. My hair is tied up into a sleek bun on the top do my head, my make-up is natural and minimal, and my nails are painted. I'm wearing my black ripped skinny jeans with a white, chiffon blouse, my black heels and leather jacket. Fraya surprisingly did quite a good job. I grab my bag and check I have everything I need. I cuddle her and ask her to use her key when she leaves, yes I trust her to lock up my house once I leave. I set off and close my door behind me. I walk over to the curb and hold my hand out for a taxi. One pulls over and I climb in. "O2 arena please" I smile and we set off.

We pull up outside the arena and I pay the driver and get out. I close the car door and walk over to the main door where a security guard was waiting. "Hi I have a meeting with BigHit at 6" I smile and he allows me into the building. I pull out my phone and check the time. I have fifteen minutes till the meeting might as well have a cig before I find the room. I walk back outside and light one up. I take a few drags when I see the blonde-haired guy from the other night. He spots me and walks over. I hang my head and take a few more drags.

"Hey, Tash right" he greets me and I look up at him. I smile and hold my hand out for him to shake it, instead, he pulls me into a warm hug and stands there in shock.

"Yeah, Jimin right? I'm sorry about all this mess" I apologize when he pulls away, he just laughs and gives me a warm and refreshing smile.

"It's fine. Hopefully, it will all get sorted soon, I'm sorrier about all the hate you've been receiving the fan can get a bit possessive" he says as I take another drag. I blow out the smoke and which happens to travel to his face, he coughs lightly and fans away from his face.

"Sorry," I say and he just shrugs like it is nothing and drops the cig butt onto the floor and squishes it with the front of my heel.

"Well, I better get going as I have that meeting to attend too," I say and turn round towards the door. I begin to walk in the direction when he follows me.

"Same reason I'm here then," he says and looks at him with confusion. Why would be attending the same meeting as me? He shoves his hands into his pockets and guides me along to long hallways.

"Why are you coming to the meeting," I ask without really caring.

"Same reason you are, to get all this sorted out," he says as we reach a set of white double doors. He knocks on the door and waits for someone to allow us in.

He opens the door and allows me in first. I enter the room and notice a whiteboard with the picture of me and Jimin projected onto it. I wait for Jimin to close the door before I take a seat. He sits next to me when an oldish gentleman turns around and looks at us intensely. "Hello Jimin, Natasha," he says very sternly like I'm about to get told off by the head teacher at school.

"Hello sir" Jimin smiles and I just nod my head and stay quiet. I rub my now sweating hand on my jeans and keep my eyes locked on the photo. It's not a bad photo, to be honest, but I wish you couldn't tell it was me.

"We're here to discuss this photo behind me and what going to happen from now on," he says and looks at him like he talking a load of crap.

"From now on?" I repeat and he just nods his head. I look at Jimin and he seems just as confused as I am.

"After this photo was posted onto Instagram, we have decided as a company that there isn't much we can do to stop people from giving you hate but there is something you guys can do to lower the risk of this scandal becoming worse and that the only way to solve this is if you two make a statement saying the truth and make it worse or say that you've been dating in private for a while and that it's about time you came clean and make it known to the world. We know you aren't dating but pretending to date is the only to way solve this and it only has to be for a few weeks till it dies down and then you can call it quits and leave it there" he says which by this point my mouth is hanging open and I'm at an utter loss for words.

"So you want us to fake date till it dies down then fake break up," Jimin asks and looks at me to see if I caught all that.

"Hell no," I snap, "I can't fake date someone I barely know all to save ourselves from scandal. It was one drunken mistake that's all it is!!! I'd rather tell the truth and deal with the consequences than lie to millions of people including my family"

"That's your choice but Jimin also has a say in what happens and if you both agree with telling the truth then we will go ahead and plan a press release for you to give your statements," the guy said and I look a Jimin who seems to think way long and hard about this. I slap gently him with the back of my hand and he looks at me. He can't be seriously considering the fake relationship can he?

"I'm with her on this. I don't want to lie to my fan and I'd rather have them know the truth than lie to them about something simply just a mistake like Tash just said we were drunk and it just happened" he says standing up and looking down at me. I give him a grateful smile and stand up from my seat too.

"Well then it's settled, we'll set a press release for a couple of days so you can get your stories right and we'll see you both then," he says and I storm out of the room with Jimin hot on my heels.

I continue walking till I'm finally outside. I take a cig from my bag and light it up. I'm fuming. Why would we pretend to fake dates when we barely know each other and why lie to people when they should know the truth. I take another drag off my cig when Jimin appears next to me. "You okay?" He asks and just glares at him, he takes the hint and backs away slightly.

"I'm just as annoyed as you are. I don't want to date anyone let alone fake date someone just to stop the press finding out about a stupid drunken kiss" he says defending himself. Stupid kiss huh. I didn't think it was half but I guess he thinks differently than me.

"So it's settled then no fake dating," I say with a winning smile. I take a few drags when Jimin snatches the cig from my hand and takes a couple himself. He lets the smoke falls from his mouth but doesn't cough this time.

"Got the hang of it now" I laugh as I reach for the cig from his but he moves it out of my reach. I groan as I try to reach for it but he moves it further away from me causing me to move closer to him. I try to reach for it again but he goes onto his tippy toes making it hard for me to grab it. So without thinking I grab hold of his top and pull him back down when our lips accidentally connect.

Automatically my eyes close and our lips move together against each other. His hand gently caresses my face as his other lowers and lays against the small of my back. My hand holding his top clenches tighter pulling him closer to me. We finally pull away from each other to catch our breath when a crowd of photographers crowd us snapping photos and yelling at us. I quickly push him away from me and run away from the arena. I quickly holler a taxi and hop in "LA apartments please and step on it" I demand and the driver sets off. Why did we have to kiss again?? They're going to think we're dating now and there is no way we can tell the truth now. For god's sake Jimin please be able to save me from this drama for both our sakes.

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