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I wrap the fluffy white towel around my body as I watch Jimin drain the water from the bath. He turns around and gives me a happy smile as he tightens the towel around his lower half. My phone pings from the other room which makes me dash over to it. I sit on the edge of the bed and unlock my phone, I open Instagram and see I have free PMs. I click the message button and notice one from LilStalkerGirl57. "Great" I whisper to myself and I click on her name.

LilStalkerGirl57 - I take it you haven't listened to my warning. Just watch what's happening now, princess! The boys have become more attached to you two than I thought they would be. I wonder what will happen when I send Sejin a message about the contract. I have a feeling he doesn't know that part !!! I even have a copy of it with me now !! Enjoy this next week because it will be over once it's up.

I feel my chest tighten as I reread the message over and over again. How the hell did she get a copy of our contract? "JIMIN" I call as I stare at my phone.
"Yeah" he replies from the bathroom.

"Where's your copy of the contract we made ?" I ask him as I stand up from the bed and slip into my underwear. I wrap the towel around my head as I begin to look through his bags.

"It should be in the bag with my laptop.. why?" He questions and I go straight towards his black leather bag.

"I want to rip it up as it's no longer in need right ?" I reply slyly knowing that not the real reason but it's also a valid reason.

"Makes sense and yeah it's no longer needed" he replies as he enters the room. I unzip the bag and rummage through all the stuff looking for that piece of paper.

"Ahhh I can't find it" I complain as I feel my stress levels rise.

"Natasha calm down it is in there as that's where I put it" he adds as he walks up next to me and starts to take the things out of the bag and put them onto the chair.

"Okay, this is where I put it.... where the hell has it gone ?" He asks me and I shake my head knowing full well who has it.

"I don't know but if that lands in the hands of your manager or someone who shouldn't have it this could be the end of us" I sigh as I push the wet towel off my head and run my hands through my hair.

"Tash... Tash... for fuck sake NATASHA" he says taking hold of my shoulders and shaking me back to my senses.

"I will find it because we have to find it," he says to me and falls into his chest. I hold him tightly as I feel my world crash around me, I'm going to lose him even after all this. I guess I'm going to have to make it worthwhile since it's over in a week. I notice his towel become loose around his waist as I pull away and hand him a pair of clean boxer shorts. I turn round facing the opposite direction to him and I refuse to watch him through the mirror right in front of me. Yes, I have seen his lower half about a few minutes ago but still, I want to respect his privacy.

"You know you can look at me whilst I change," he says and I turn round to look at him as he's stood behind me not wearing his boxers, I see his manhood dangling right in front of my face which causes me to blush and close my eyes.

"Ahhh Jimin. You could have warned me you were that close to me" I say as I turn back around and slam my hand over my eyes for extra blindness.

"Hahaha isn't it normal for a couple to see each other naked ?" He says sarcastically and I flip him the middle finger.

"Yes that is true but still we haven't done anything which involves us being naked yet and.... and.... oh never mind" I trail off as I attempt to stand up with my eyes still close and walk over to the bed, I bump into the corner of the bed and fall flat onto my face. My eyes shoot over as I let out a groan, "for fuck sake just my luck"

Save Me - Jimin Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now