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I'm still sitting staring at Fraya as my mouth gapes open. "W-What?" I stutter as I blink rapidly to take in everything she's just said to me.

"I'm pregnant... for crying out loud how hard is that to understand... What am I going to do ?? Hoseok is going to hate me!!" She sobs as I hear the bathroom door open and Jimin walks out giving me a very concerned look.

"You have to talk to him about it !!!" I say as I try my best to comfort her as I mouth 'help' to Jimin who walks over and takes a seat next to Fraya on the bed.

"He won't hate you. Hoseok is great with children and to be honest, him having his own might mature him up a bit" Jimin advises and I roll my eyes. How that was meant to help I have no idea.

"But we're not together and now this is going to through a ball into the mix" She panics and I pull her into my embrace and stroke her hair.

"Hoseok will understand. He's not a bad guy when it comes to things like this at all! You just need to be honest with him and have that conversation about whether to keep it or not" Jimin says as he gently strokes her arm. I hear a knock on the door I gesture to him to open it. He looks through the spy hole and sees let's put a sigh.

"He's here," he says and opens the room door. I see Hoseok standing there with a baby blue stick in his hand as he holds it up in the air staring down at Fraya with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Please tell me this is real and not fake" he exclaims as he comes walking into the room with a huge smile on his face. Fraya sits up from my lap and looks at him, she blinks a few times and wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"Yes. I'm pregnant... I got so worried that you wouldn't - " she says but gets cut off by his lips on hers. The kiss is sweet and tender but ends shortly after.

"I couldn't be happier, me, you and this baby are going to be a family. But first of all, I have a question to ask you" he says and gets onto one knee. Hold up he can't propose if they aren't together right ??

"Will you do the honour of becoming my official girlfriend ?" He asks her and she lets out a huge arse squeal. She falls into his embrace and cuddles him tightly.

"YES!!! OMG YES!!!" She yells and I let out a breath that didn't even know I was holding. I feel Jimin's small hand slip into mine and give it a little squeeze.

"Finally." I joke as they pull away from each other and get onto their feet. I give Fray a tight hug and congratulate her on both the baby and the boyfriend.

"Right. I suggest you go let everyone else know the news" I say and they nod their head and walk out of the room. Jimin quickly sends a message into the group chat saying to all meet up in Hoseok and Fraya's room. I lock our bedroom door and follow them down the hall to be met up with Kookie, who wraps an arm around my shoulder as we walk down the hall.

"So what's the big news?" He asks me and I shake my head pretending like I don't have a clue.

"I honestly couldn't tell ya" I lie as we reach their room. Fraya opens the door and we all huddle into the room and wait for the others to arrive. Jimin takes a seat on the chair near the window as I plant my arse firmly on his lap.

The others finally arrive and are all huddled on the bed as they wait for the huge news. "So... we have two sets of news... the first one is that I and Hobi have finally become an official couple," Fraya says as a huge smile appears on her face. Everyone jumps up and cheers whilst me and Jimin stay seated as we already know what's going on.

Save Me - Jimin Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now