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I let out a little yawn as I open my eyes and see the bright lights of the aeroplane beaming down on me. My eyes adjust to the light as I see my sleeping boyfriend's face hovering over mine. I slowly move my head from his lap and gently lay his head on my shoulder. He groans slightly as his eyes open. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I smiled at him and he shakes his head.

"You didn't wake me it's fine babe" he replies and looks at his computer screen to check the time.
"Only a couple more hours to go then we'll be in America" he smiles and I nod my head. I look around the plane when I see Suga and Jin fast asleep, Tae and Jungkook trying to have an arm wrestle on the back of the chairs, RM has his face inside a book (not literally) and JHope and Fraya talking amongst themselves as they play we each other's hands. She does seem to be falling for him as he is with her. I unfasten my seat belt and stand up, Jimin looks at me and I give him a weak smile "I need to pee" I replied and he stands up to allow me to get out. I give him a quick peck and make my way through the isle. I pull back a curtain and find the toilet is engaged. I wait patiently when I notice people gossiping from the business class and pointing a finger in my direction. "For crying out loud. How am I that easy to recognise" I groan out loud as the toilet door opens. A young girl probably about 12 walks and instantly gasps when she notices me.

"OMG, you're Jimin's girlfriend from BTS. Can I have your autograph please ?" She asks me and I quickly nod my head and sign the piece of paper she hands me as struggle to make my way around her to the toilet.

"Thank you so much. You're really pretty and I'm glad you make Jimin happy, have a good flight" she smiles at me and I nod my head as I close the toilet door and lock it. I unfasten and pull down my jeans and thong in record time as I release my bladder. I finish up and wash my hands, then fasten my jeans and unlock the door to find a crowd of people waiting outside it for me.

"Hey" I give them an awkward smile.

"Wow she's pretty" someone whispers from the back and I blush. I slowly try to move towards the curtain for first-class not having the energy to deal with the fan right now.

"Are you and Jimin going to break up after two weeks?" One of them asks me and I stop in m tracks, I give her a genuine smile and shake my head.

"No, we aren't, we're in it for the long run and I do truly love him. I promise I'll look after him and I won't hurt him" I say sincerely with the small hint of a lie. They cheer and I quickly make a run for it. I run through the curtain when everyone turns around and looks at me confused.

"I was just hounded by the army. They're everywhere. How do you cope ?" I say as I try and catch my breath. Jungkook just laughs and stands up from his seat and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"My dear Natasha you get used to it," he says trying to act older than me. I shrug his arm off me and push him back into his seat playfully.

"Don't you dare Natasha me Lil boy" I bite playfully and he gulps thinking I'm being serious.

"Sorry Tash" he apologised and I burst into laughter. He gives me a weird smile and I playfully slap his arm.

"I'm joking Kookie but don't forget I am older than you" I laugh as I make my way back to Jimin who has now claimed my seat near the window.

I sit next to him as he lifts the armrest that's keeping us separated. I shuffle in closer to him as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I hang my legs over him and we cuddle for a bit watching the sky from the window.

"Everything looks so small from up here," I say out loud stupidly.

"It looks almost peaceful when we know full well it's mayhem down there" he replies and I nod my head.

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