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"Hello ARRRRRRRMY" Namjoon yells into the mic as he walks down the stage in our direction. I clap, jump and scream so loud trying to catch his attention as Jin walks down the other side of the stage.

"NAMJOON" I scream as he glides past me, he stops in his tracks and turns back around and glances in our direction. I and Fraya wave our hands as the pure shock expression falls across his face. He quickly regains himself and continues down the stage.

"Have you all eaten today?" Jin asks us and we all scream our reply. For me and Fraya, it was a yes but now that I'm thinking about it I'm still hungry. I wonder if they do any hot dogs or something around the lines, once the sound check is over I'll go look.

"Well welcome to sound check, we hope you enjoy it and let's go !!!!" Joonie exclaims and runs back up the stage, giving us a really weird look. I press my finger on my lips to tell him to keep quiet and he nods his head, running past us back backstage. My phone pings from my pocket, signally a text message. I take out my phone and see it's from Namjoon.

Joonie 💕 - OMG why are you in the crowd??? I wasn't genuinely so shocked to see you two standing there. I won't tell the boys that you're out there but they are due to come out on stage soon after Kookie. I hope you enjoy the show and I'll see you backstage after xx

I show Fraya the text and she lets out a little giggle as Jungkook walks onto the stage and 'Euphoria' begins to play. I watch as he dances and sings in his angelic voice as I dance and sing along with him. "JungKookie" I scream trying to get his attention which sort of worked because he looked around for the sound of my voice but he had to focus on the practice. He finally finished and sends the backstage dancers backstage as he walks down our side of the stage.

"Kookie" I scream and this time I finally caught his attention. He states at me blankly at first and blinks a few times as it registers in his brain.

"Natasha! What are you doing there ?" He asks me, I let out a little laugh and roll my eyes.

"JIMIN!!!!" He calls them, "HOSEOK". I watch as the boys come running onto the stage and JK points to us as they walk over in our direction. I wear the biggest smile on my face as Jimin's eyes fall onto mine and lock contact.

JK hands Jimin-Shi the mic as they get closer to us, Jimin steps down off the stage and onto a lower platform and wiggles his finger for me to come there. I move from my seat and walk over to the railing where he was crouched behind it:

"What are you doing ?" He asks me with a huge smile on his face as he hands JK the mic back so he can talk to the rest of the fans.

"We wanted to surprise you but also experience the full BTS concert from this side" I explain as I feel his hand hook under my hair as he trails his thumb along the skin of my cheek.

"Well you did surprise me and why did you change your hair colour ???" He questions as he looks deep into my eyes, making my heart flutter slightly.

"Don't you like it?" I pout slightly as Hoseok is making cute hand gestures to Fraya which are making her blush slightly.

"No, I love it. You look better red than Ashy blonde" he compliments me and gives me a quick peck on the lips as he stands up and clambers back onto the stage. He blows me a kiss and I head back to my seat. Alicia makes an awe sound as I get back to my seat as Fraya nudged my shoulder with hers. I let out an embarrassed giggle as a huge grin formed at the corners of my mouth.

"So can you can tell my girlfriend, Natasha surprised me with tickets to see us with all of you a lot. I hope you look after them while she's down there" he points to Armies around us and they all shout back a "YES". That put a happy smile on his face even more as he gives me a cheeky wink. God, I love that boy more than anything in the world.

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