Power of...

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Before I get to the story, here are my headcanon Algebralien pronouns.

One . He/They

On to the story!

X's little sister, Y, woke up early.
She called Two and asked them to come over.
He agreed.

A few hours later, X woke up.
He heard a knock at the door.

"It's for you! Go answer it!" said Y.

"I don't know..." said X.

"It'll be fine! Trust me!" Y replied.

Both of them went to the door.

X could hear shouting from outside.

"Hey, X! It's your old friend, Two!"

"I know that last time, things didn't go very well..."

"But I'll make sure, or at least try to make sure things go well!"

"Heh heh...uh..."

X opens the door. Two smiles at him.

"X! You... You actually answered!"

"Two? You... look paler than I remember.."

"Don't worry, X!" said Two. "It's natural! You know what we are! Come on!"

Two led X outside.

"Wow..." X said.
Things felt so different.

And they were.

Two said, "I can't believe that this is the first time in four years that you left your house! I even finished TPOT in that amount of time!"



"So... What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. I didn't really have a plan for today."

"Is...there anything..."

"We have to do? Actually, yes. We need to go to the gift store to buy Eight a present."


"Because he had to go somewhere for a while, I don't exactly know why. Another game show, I think."


"What are we waiting for? LET'S GO!" said Two.

X and Two ran on the sidewalk.
Two felt excited.

"Just think! Their reaction! Oh, I can see it now!
An adventure... with X...
and his friend...

*A version of the TPOT intro plays, but with the Algebraliens. I'm not good at animating though, so I can't make it :(
At the end, instead of Battle For Dream Island: The Power Of Two, it says "Oh! Well..."

Since I'm a bit tired of writing this chapter, I will continue in the next one!

Also, holy shit almost 400 words -

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