This Is The 23rd Part

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After Silhow and friends got back to the concierge desk, they saw a different character at the desk.

"Hi!" she said. "I'm Drear-Top! I'm new here! As you can see -"

Silhow didn't pay attention to a word she said.

Six tagged Silhow (just to get things in order).

The friends went in the elevator and were now in the place where Mathie was before they went to get pizza.

Silhow and his friends walked through the hall of Announcer's family tree and went into the next elevator.

"Well, hello there, Six!" said Four. "Looking cute today! (not a ship) You always take such good care of yourself! Need any advice?"

"No thanks."

"Nothing? I'll be here if you need me."

Silhow pressed the button for B1, and in only a few seconds, him and his friends were there.

They went to the staff room.

"Ya know... I've been feeling a little inventive lately," said Mathie.

(Nicknames for the other Algebraliens:
Mathie is Five
Cupcake is Ten
Sunglasses is Nine
Crushy is Three
Droop is One)

"I've got the need to make something big... something amazing...
I wanna make the biggest...baddest... Most ultimate weapon there is! My only problem is that I am lacking inspiration! What I'm looking for is the perfect material to make the ultimate weapon. Something pliable, yet sturdy... and perhaps...a bit buoyant. If you can find something like that, I can make the ultimate weapon for you!"

Silhow and friends looked around a little, then headed back to the elevator.

Then they went to 4F.

Roboty noticed the friends, mainly Silhow.

" -.-- --- ..- .-. / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. / -.-. .- .-. . -.. / .- -... --- ..- - / -.-- --- .-- "

"What did you say?" said Silhow.

".. / ... .- .. -.."

"Oh well. Probably doesn't matter anyway."

"-..- / .-- .- .. -"

(I want to see someone translate the Morse code in the story.)

The friends all went to the construction area.

Then they had a picnic with Four.

Silhow, Six, Two, and Eight just had the food. There wasn't any conversation.

Silhow tagged Six and had them smash barrels with her bat. More ladder climbing, barrel smashing, and watermelon crushing!

They found one of the robot servants for Dream Resort.

"Was sent to do handiwork. But management bad. Predicting fall of empire," said the robot.

Climbing another ladder, smashing MORE barrels. Crushing a watermelon and getting a whole pizza out of it. Climbing another ladder...

Back on the surface! Six tagged Silhow.
Silhow got the R key, but it was incorrect.
Silhow climbed back down the ladder.


"WOOHOO! THE GANG IS BACK!" said Two. "High four, everyone!" Two began high fouring everyone near them.

"So... Does anyone remember how we ended up here?" said Six.

"You know, I had the strangest dream," said Eight. "There we were... All of us falling down an endless black hole. And then, next thing I know, I'm signing my life away through a contract!"

Two stopped high fouring.

"You know what they say... It sure is strange where life takes you!" he said. "So what were we doing again? We were looking for Seven or something, right?"

"Yes," said Silhow. He sounded a bit hesitant.

"Yes, that's right, Two!" Eight said. "We were looking for Seven."

"Hmmm... Do you think Seven could be somewhere in Dream Resort?" Two said.

"No way!" Six said. "Seven wouldn't be caught dead here! Does he seem like the type of Algebralien who would enjoy stuff like this?"

"I don't know, do they? Why don't we just go around and ask anyone if they've seen him?"

"Good thinking, Two!" said Eight. "Though... I guess we are pretty far away from home. I don't think anyone here would know what he looks like."

"Oh, oh! I have an idea!" said Six. "Why don't we all draw a picture of them? Maybe people would be able to recognize them from the drawing!"

"You two are full of good ideas today," said Eight. "That sounds like a plan."

"Cool, I'll start!" said Two.

Two began drawing.

"Ummm... What is that?!" said Six. "That looks nothing like Seven! Seven's head is more like this."

Six began drawing. "Hmmmm... No, wait, that doesn't look right either."

"HEY! What are you doing to my masterpiece?! And when did Seven have such a big face?"

"Alrighty, let's see how we're doing," said Eight. "Yeesh... Is that really what Seven looks like? Ugh... I can't look..."

Eight gave Silhow the bad drawing.

"*Sigh* Well, that didn't go so well," said Six.

"Don't be so down, Six," said Eight. "We can just look for Seven ourselves!"

"Yeah, it'll be okay," said Two. "There's plenty of places we haven't looked yet!"

"Hmmmm... Why don't we start searching around the Dream Well?" said Eight. "You can get there pretty easily by taxi. There's always one in front of Dream Resort!"

Silhow looked at the bad drawing. It looked like a five year old drew it.

Silhow and friends left Dream Resort.

Then Silhow jumped into the haunted pool.

yay ghost party


Climbing AND swimming.

Buying things...

Ghost party!

Then Silhow and friends ran into Nonexisty again. (Who, btw, is a ghost peanut butter jar.)

"Perfect timing!" said Nonexisty. "I seem to have found myself in quite the predicament. I sent letters to a bunch of acquaintances asking them to come here.... But no one showed up! Not one!
They might have gotten lost on the way here... You see... When I sent the invitations, I forgot to include the directions to the venue! I REFUSE to start this party until all the guests have arrived. *sigh* Would you be so kind as to help my guests find their way here?"

"Of course I will," said Silhow.

"Thank you, kind variable! Here are some maps with directions to the party, stamped with my own personal NON-EXISTENT SEAL OF APPROVAL!"

Nonexisty handed Silhow 6 spooky maps.

"Please deliver these maps to each of my guests. They will then find their way here themselves, surely."

Silhow and his friends ate some soup and healed. After that, Silhow got the O key.

5 keys left...

There was a hole. Silhow looked into it.

A hole full of Somenumbers.

End of this part! This is now my longest book EVER!

See you in the next part! :)

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