Hey Silhow -

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Silhow used the key to open the first door on the right.

Weird cat flower thingys, a whale maybe...

And Just Like Seven.

"These rooms... Are full of broken things...but at least in here... I can see who you really are."

"I hate you," said Silhow.

"The world that you created above this one... Did you make it to protect this place or to hide it away?"

"Just shut up!"

"Either way... It's become more powerful than you."

Then Just Like Seven was gone.

Silhow followed the weird blue path.

Weird beings... A poorly drawn window...

And a key.

Silhow grabbed the key.

Then, after a few seconds of walking, a red hand noticed Silhow. Silhow touched the red hand.

Back to the main room.

To the third door to the right.

Silhow went in.

Weird colorful room.

A big weird blue Ellipsis.

Poorly drawn Silhow.

A weird crying white thing...

Then a key.

Just Like Seven was in front of the key.

"Lost in this confusion lies the rest of everything. The truth that you've locked away... You must find it no matter what. You have to... For the both of us."

Then he disappeared.

Silhow grabbed the key.

He went to the blue Ellipsis.

"Ask me anything," it said.

"What is this place?"


"Is Just Like Seven annoying?"


"What's 9 + 10?"


"What's sex -"

"*Wii crashing sound*"

"Is there a red hand behind me -"

There was.

Back to main room again.

Probably the fourth door on the right.

Silhow went in.

A long weird white path.

Weird white thingies that looked like stretching stickmen.

Another weird thing that looked like a bowling pin.

Running along the path.

Near three tall stickmen was a key.

Silhow grabbed it and went between one stickman's legs, then he saw a red hand.

It grabbed him first this time.

Main room.

Silhow found his sketchbook and laptop.

One page was black and many were red.

Some things looked different as well. Next to the drawing of Somenumber, there was a scribbled out drawing of a variable and a number 7.

A scribble, and then what looked like Somenumber and Hellfour put together.

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