It Really Does Mean Everything

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Two leaned a bit closer to Six, and began to whisper.

"Hey, Six."

"Two? X? What are you guys doing here?"

"We want you to give Seven's photo album back!"

"Why? Why should I let you take it?"

"That photo album means a LOT to him!"

"It means a lot to all of us!"

"You used to be our friend!"

"USED TO BE. Past tense."

"But I don't understand. Why did you leave us?"

My friends... weren't there for me when I needed them."

"... You know...Four wouldn't be very happy about this..."

"Oh. Now you want to bring FOUR into this? Two...
He's DEAD."


*tea kettle sounds coming from Two's imagination*

"They don't have a say in this."

Six gets up.

" not giving the photo album back..."

They grabbed Nail Bat, who was upset because he wanted to sleep, and walked out of the pew. But before Six could leave, Two got in front of Six, blocking the door.


"*Sigh* What now, Two?!"

"Me and X are NOT letting you leave until you give the photo album back!"

X just sighed.

Objects and Algebraliens started gossiping.

*"Six stole a diary? She's a thief?"*

*"It's a photo album, dumbass!"*

*"Finally! Someone likes pranks!"*

*"Shut up, Blocky, I'm trying to focus. ★sigh★ And no focusing for myself, the Announcer, today."*

*"Uncool, Six!"*


"All I wanted here was to find peace...

But I guess that's just not happening today."

"Well, you did bully Seven..."

"Ohhhh. You think I'm the big, bad bully, here to terrorize poor, defenseless Seven. Well...

If you want me to be a bully...


You'd better come at me quick...


Fight starts and cool banger track plays

Two throws the bell at Six.

Six headbutts Two.

X punches Six.

Six hits Two with Nail Bat.

X creates first aid kits out of thin air

And of course heals Two

Six hits Two again

Two fucking dies

No lol jk they just fainted

*Everyone begins their gossiping BS again*

*"Oh my God! Six just killed Two!"*

*"He fainted, you fucking idiot."*

*"Watch your language!"*

*"No." 😎*

*"Hey guys, for a prank -"*

*★Announcer makes a deep fried sigh★ "Stabable."*

*Blocky then proceeds to punch his father Announcer out the stained glass*
(A HC my sister made)
I'm pretty sure "an" here may not be grammatically correct but I'm most likely wrong

Okay back to the fight

X uses his powers to attack Six while ★ gossip ★ continues.

Six then attacks X with every attack except Nail Bat.

Six is then finally defeated.

"Forget it. You guys are not worth my time."

Then everyone continued the freaking horrible and funny gossip.

*that one swearing character singing the curse word song*

*"Oh my God, they finally stopped fighting!"*

*"Six is hostile, they shouldn't be here!"*

*"Still uncool."*

*"Lol fatherless number"*

As soon as Six heard that, she looked around, then ran out of the church crying. (Even pushed Two and X on the way out.)

"X... What have we done?"

"Something very cruel."

"And we didn't even get the photo album back. :("

"Well, we should leave."

"Actually... Before we do that, follow me to the graveyard. I want to tell you a story."

Some things in here aren't exactly accurate, but it's fine! :)

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Thing with emojis lol

Anyways, I will see you in the next part! Yay yay!


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