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X and Two headed over to Two's house.

"Uh, heyyy, X... My mum's not gonna be too happy that I took so long getting groceries. She expected me to be back around noon, but I got distracted and... You know. So...

You should go in first! That way, she'll see you first and get all excited!"

X went inside and Two was not far behind him.


"Oh my! X! You're here! Have you been taking care of yourself? Eating properly?"


"So...Here are the things you asked for..." said Two.

"What took you so long? I sent you to get this stuff hours ago!"

Two grabbed X's hand and pulled him along.

"Now wait just a second, young Algebralien -"


Two locked the door that led to the living room.

"Whew. Let's have a look at my bedroom!"

The friends went upstairs to Two and Eight's room.

"Isn't this great?" said Two. "Our walls and stuff match our colors, and I got a boombox! Listen to this!"

Two pressed a button and Rush E on clarinet played.

"Mum won't let me play this too loud, because it's bad for L'il Four."

"Who - who's that?" said X.

"Don't you know, X? I'm a big brother now."

X was surprised.

"We're probably going to see her around dinner. She's very small and very cute, hehehe!"

"TWO! There's a girl at the door! She wants to see you!"


Two and X went to the front door. Thirteen was there.

"Hey, Two! Hi, X!" she said. "Seven is... Well, Seven is missing... If you see him, can you tell them to come home? I'm really worried."

"Okay," said Two. "We saw him at the Equation Playground a few hours ago. Since then, we haven't seen them."

"But we'll try to look for them!" X said.

"No," said Two's mom. "You should wait until Eight comes back."

"Please? Pretty please?" said Two.

"Well, Thirteen DID look worried, so...
I guess you could go."

"Alright," said Two. "We'll be back by dinner time!"

X and Two went into the dining room.

X saw a bag on the table. He looked through it.

"What are you digging in my mum's bag for, X?"

X found pepper spray.

"Pepper spray? That could help us in case we get into any trouble."

The friends left Two's house and headed to the Equation Playground.

Two threw a coin at Drear-Top while running by.

Then they heard someone screaming.



"That was Seven!" said Two. But where did the scream come from?"


I think the scream came from...

Our old hangout spot."

End of this part. Things will get crazy in the next one... Or two parts. See you then!

What Comes After Four? (BFB+Omori)Where stories live. Discover now