Inching Closer

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After getting all of Nonexisty's guests (which doesn't have a separate part or is talked about here because it would add length to this part which I don't think is necessary), Silhow and friends were in the desert because let's just say that the last guest was there.

Silhow waited for Spongy to arrive at the transportation stop.

Spongy arrived. Eight, Six and Silhow were on Spongy.

"Alright," said Spongy. "is everyone strapped in?"

"WAIT! I'm not ready yet!" said Two.

"Oh, come on!" said Silhow. "You'd think that EVERY TIME THIS HAPPENED, you'd be READY by now."


Two grabbed Spongy's leg, like usual.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Dream Well," said Silhow.

"Oh! Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure."

"Got it."

As soon as they got to Dream Well, Spongy laughed.

Then he just left.

Silhow found a clam then realized that he forgot a few things.

Silhow runs to "you're welcome" Nonexisty and water Seven's flowers.

When he got back, Flower was at the toll booth thing.

"Hey... Isn't that... Flower?" said Six.

"HEY FLOWER! REMEMBER US!?" said Two. "We're the Algebraliens who almost ruined your wedding!" :D

"What? You four again!? Why do you keep showing up?"

"So... How's married life treating you?"

"Married life? I ditched Ruby due to Budget Cuts ™!"

"That's my line!" said Announcer. Announcer disappeared.

"But... your wedding was literally yesterday."

"Oh no..." said Six. "Does that mean you and Ruby are..."

"HMPH! Ruby's back to being a hidden gem now!"
(Haha reference haha)

"Ouch... That poor girl..." said Two.

"Alas! My journey has gone full circle," said Flower. "It is more obvious to me now than ever that my perfect suitor does not exist!"

Nonexisty smiles in the back

"Don't say that, Flower!" said Eight. "I'm sure that your soulmate's out there somewhere!"

"Oh, my sweet Eight! How I've longed for your voice! But no... I must refrain. I've already decided my path. A suitor is a big no can do for me... So I've decided that I will just make one!"

"What? Make a suitor? Is that even possible?" said Eight.

"By regular-object means, no! But a wealthy object, such as myself, does not abide by such rules! I'm going some place only filthy rich beings, like myself, can afford... To a family of Algebraliens that specialize in clients with... special demands. Toodle-oo, peasants! I'm late for my appointment!"

Pastel Feather opened the toll gate thing and Flower went through. Then she closed it.

"So... should we follow her... or what?" said Two.

"I feel like every time Flower shows up, something bad happens," said Six.

"Yeah..." said Eight. "When it comes to disaster, she's in a league of her own."

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