Silhow gets fucking confused 2

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Silhow kept going.

He saw a bridge, and a giant whale that looked an awful lot like Four.

Silhow looked at the whale.

"Whale hello there friends! I'm Blue, and if I were green I would die. What brings you here to my humble little cave?"

"THAT'S RACIST!" said Two.

"Oh, hello Blue! We're just looking for someone! Sorry if we're bothering you," said Six.

"Oh no, not at all, children! I do love visitors! In fact, you're the second group to visit me today! The first was just a flower... A loud flower with pink petals."

"Doesn't that sound like someone we know?" said Two.

"Huh? Is Flower here? Where is she?" said Eight.

"Hmmmm... Where is she? Where is she?" said Blue. "It's on the tip of my tongue...Nyak nyak! That's a joke, it is! She is... inside me, you see?"

"S-she's inside you?" said Six.

"Why, yes! She is visiting my guests, for I am home to a family of Algebraliens! We spend time together, chatting and chuckling. It is so fun to hear about their daily antics. Sometimes they are even so kind as to bring me my meals! It's much easier for them, you see, for they are closer to my belly than I. In fact, I'm sure they'd love even more visitors! Here, let me lower the bridge for you!"

Blue opened his mouth and burped.

"My apologies," he said. "The first guest seems to be causing some indigestion."


And stuck out his tongue.


Silhow and friends went on the tongue.

"Oh no," Two said very quietly.

Blue retracted his tongue and closed his mouth.

*bfdi scream*

"Whoa, Blue's belly is huge," said Two.

"It sure looks easy to get lost in here," said Six.

"I bet if I yell, it'd make an echoooo!" said Two.

"Echo...echo...echo...echo..." said Blue.

"AAAAH! Where'd you come from?"

"Whalecome to my lair!" said Blue. "Are you surprised to see me? I am always here. I am inside me, and all around you!"

Sounds familiar...

A bunch of Blues pop up all around the friends.

"I am everywhere!"

They all disappeared and one popped up.

"Or I am just here!"

"Wow, that's so cool, Blue!" said Two. (Haha, their names rhyme!) "I wish I could do that!"

"It's kinda gross if you ask me," said Six.

"Wow, so rude..." said another Blue, popping up in front of her.

"Hmmmm..." said Eight. "There are many ways to go... Where should we even start?"

"Left... Right... Up... Around... Does it matter?" said another Blue. "It's all forward isn't it? Just pick one! It's easy!" The Blue disappeared.

Silhow saw a boat, and him and his friends got on. They go to the bigger Blue. There were three Blues around the bigger one, but none of them wanted to budge. Silhow, Six, Two, and Eight got back on the boat.

They went right. Waterfalls... Is it even water? Weird substances in flasks and jars and stuff... A weird bubble looking thing... And finally, land!

Silhow and friends got off the boat. There were a lot of flasks and mixtures and stuff. Silhow crushed a watermelon and found a fish taco. There were also weird Blues with floaties!

"Check this out, Algebraliens. Did you know us Blues are strong enough to withstand a waterfall's current? Watch this!"

The first Blue "held on to" the waterfall, but the second one fell.

"Yikes! Except for that guy, I guess... Oh well, that's just natural selection working."

"Hey, you know what? I just had an idea!" said Two. "I bet if we gathered enough Blues -"

"Then maybe we could use them to form a bridge to the other side!" Six interrupted.

"Hey! I was supposed to say that!" said Two.

Silhow and friends went up some stairs and ran into Four.

"Silhow... Hi."

Four looked a bit upset.

"I get it. You want to set picnics everywhere because you think sometimes I'm boring," said Silhow.

"Not that!"

Silhow decided he wanted to have a picnic.

Picnic starts

TWO: Four, this gelatin is delicious! What's it made out of?

FOUR: ...

TWO: Ummm...

SILHOW: I think it's the stuff from the walls. Why?


FOUR: ...

SILHOW: I don't exactly know.... OBVIOUSLY IT'S FRUIT!

TWO: Okay, Silhow. But... Why isn't Four talking? Also, what is gelatin made out of?

SIX: It's made out of gelatin!

FOUR: *nods*

TWO: Okay. Well, food is food, I guess! Hmm... *Whispering* But why is Four not talking? This isn't BFB 12, or whatever.

Picnic ends.

Silhow looked in the picnic basket and decided to stay a little longer.

Aaaaand this is the end of the part! The reason that Four isn't talking is because... First of all, because I thought it would be a nice concept, and second of all...

Blue looks like Four...

He is everywhere....

And think 28.

If you know...

You know.

See you in the next part!

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