The Truth (Part 2 of A Sleepover)

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A room.

Another mom.

"My only son... Is gone. And you... You are his friend. I can't lose you as well."

Another photo.

X looked in the album.

He put the current photos in the correct places.

A fourth photo. The photo was put in its place.

Another distorted photo of Four's family.

X went into the dark door. Another room.

A room full of dying numbers.

A fifth photo.

A sixth photo.

He put the photos in their places.

Another photo.

A random number died.

The window turned red.

X went through it.


and a shadowy thingy at the bottom

a photo was there

X put the eighth photo in its place.

locked doors

X went down the stairs.

Ninth photo

Tenth photo

In the bedroom magically... And X's face looked a bit messed up.

A number not breathing.

A weird looking Seven.

"Don't worry, X... Everything is going to be okay."

The stage?

A light. X went to it.

Something was preventing X from getting any closer.

Behind the stage (+ X being more messed up)... Eleventh photo.


A realistic four fingered hand and X getting messed up more.

Twelfth photo

The hand lost a fucking finger and X got more messed up.

Thirteenth photo.

Two fingers.

The Power Of -

"No, no, no! Now's not the the time for a joke!"

Fourteenth photo.


Fifteenth photo

okay screw the hand

X looking horrible.

Sixteenth photo I think

Seventeenth photo


The thing got X.

A dark room.

X screwed in the lightbulb.

The room was now lit.

Eighteenth photo

There was a chair. X sat in it and red committed no more.

but a few seconds later the red came back

devil X is back

Another gate

Putting photos in album moment

Nineteenth photo

Opening gates

Twentieth photo

Gate opening

Twenty-first photo


Twenty-second photo

A real gate opener!


Walking and walking and walking

Another big tree... And the twenty-third photo.

Somenumber in the tree's shadow.

X picked up the last photo. The sequence played.

1. Four looked upset.
2. X trying to get Announcer to leave
3. Announcer refusing
4. (We've lost all control...)
5. Closer
6. (You'll never get rid of me)
7. Cake At Stake
8. The challenge
9. Don't Split Off
10. Go go go
11. End of challenge
12. Desert
13. Tearing up
14. Budget Down
15. In luck...
16. A blossoming winner
17. "Running"
18. Getting a friend back
19. Not feeling too good
20. The hospital
21. Throwing the violin
22. Death and Seven
23. Somenumber who helped you find your value

The last photo actually formed Somenumber and -

Suddenly, X woke up. He got up from the quilt. His friends were still asleep.

X looked inside the picnic basket.

X then looked at Eight.

Eight had always been someone he could rely on. He was wise, capable, loving, and always put others above themselves. They were the kind of Algebralien that would always make himself available to help X, even to a fault.

X looked at Two.

Two had always been there for him. And even though he was a bit careless at times, X knew they had a good heart. More than anything, they just wanted everyone around him to be happy. They had always been someone X could count on to lift his spirits.

X went over to Six.

Six had always acted true to her feelings. Even though they had trouble admitting how much they cared, her actions had shown otherwise. She had been a little hard to understand... but X could trust that they would try their best to do the right thing.

X went to the hallway.

He went to the bathroom and saw Somenumber in the mirror.

He went to Seven's bedroom door... Something felt off. He decided to go in... probably unaware of what would happen next...

End of the part!
See you in the next one!

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