Friend Time! And HNM 3!!!

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X, Two, Six and Eight looked around near the lake.

Then they looked around the Equation Playground.

X bought some apple juice, then saw Five and Ten.

"Five is a lot of talk, but she's got a big heart," said Ten. "And me? I got some big muscles."

"Hey, well lookie here!" said Five. "It's Six and the nerds!"

"Hey, Five!" said Six. "How's it hangin'?"

"Oh, you know, pretty good, pretty good. My mom said she's gonna take us to a sick party tonight... Should be cool."

"Awwwwwwwwww, yeah! We're gonna party!" said Ten.

Then X went to the bench.

"Life's been kind of stressful lately, but Algebralien watching out here helps me put things into perspective," said Infinity. "I might make it a habit to come to the Equation Playground more often... I guess sometimes all it takes to relax is to stop and smell the roses!"

X went over to the swingsets.

X and Six were on the swingset while Two and Eight tossed a ball.

SIX: Hey, X... Sorry I was so mean to you before. I think seeing you just caught me by surprise... Though I guess that's a pretty crappy excuse.

X: Uh...

SIX: I hope you've been doing okay and stuff... I'm sure everything was hard for you to deal with. Sometimes I think I was the one that should've been there for you.

TWO: *whispering* Oh, that reminds me.

SIX: I don't know if we'll really ever get over Four's death... But it's okay to take it slow. To allow yourself to feel every emotion...and to have patience. A-Anyway, I just want you to know...that I still care about you and stuff. I've been thinking about this since I saw you, but I think you're looking a little pale...

X: Huh? Oh...

SIX: And kind of thin too. After this, promise me you'll go outside more often, okay?

X: Alright, I promise!

TWO: Oh! I remembered that I wanted to show you this!

SIX: Show me what?

EIGHT: A picture.

*Two showed Six the picture*

(It was a picture of Six and X on the swings years before.)

SIX: How did Seven take that?

TWO: I took it. Look on the back.

("Is that true, Six?" was written on the back.)

SIX: What's true?

EIGHT: Was X there for you?

TWO: When nobody else was?

SIX: Yeah. Anyways... uh...

EIGHT: Okay. *Whispering* Next time, Two... Leave that moment to Six and X.

TWO: Oh, okay.

(Used the same format as the picnic because why not)

X, Two, Six and Eight looked around, then left the Equation Playground.

Then, they all went to Autumn Leaf Pizza Place.

X and friends sat at the table.

No worries, Two got pizza this time. :)

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