Three tree and what it means

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Two and X went back over to the Equation Playground.
They saw One standing by a tree. The tree was shaking.
They both walked up to One.

"Look, One," said X. "I know you're not a mean Algebralien."

"Yeah," said One.

"We... We were just wondering where Six is."

"Well..." One kicks the shaking tree as hard as they can.

Three falls out of the tree.

"OW! What? What is - what was that about?! Explain -"

She noticed Two and X.


"Let's just get to the point," said Two. "Where is Six?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"...Why should you know?"

"*Sigh* I'll tell you, but first...

you must best me in a fight."

"Ugh. Come on, X."

Here we go again, Two thought.

"*Laughs* This training is gonna pay off...

do i have to say it again

Two attacks Three using their cool powers.

Three swiftly attacks Two.

X punches Three.

One does nothing.

Three attacks Two and X and vice versa while One just sits there and does nothing.

"ALL THAT TRAINING FOR NOTHING?! Master isn't gonna like this..."

"Tell us where Six is, now."


"Tell us."

"Why should I -"

"Tell us where they are or I'm going to tell everyone about the time you wet your bed at summer camp."

"How do you know about that?!"

"A little number told me."

Three looks at One.

"Tell me."

"I-I refuse!"

"Or I'm gonna tell everyone about the time -"

"FINE! They're at the church!"

"Alright. Come on, X, we have to go to the church."

"Okay. Bye, One!" X said.

"Bye, X..."

A bunch of running later...

"Finally! We're here. Looks like they're in the middle of a sermon. X, peek inside, and see if you can find them."

"Okay!" X peeked through a small hole in the door and looked around until he saw the top of Six's head.

"They're in one of the pews to the right," said X.

"Great!" said Two. "Now, we have to wait until the sermon is ov -"

X opened the doors.

"Wow," Two whispered. "I didn't think you'd decide to just walk right in."

Two and X see Six sitting in a pew near the front (back?) of the church. They sit in the pew behind her.

Now to get her attention....

End of this part because it's almost bedtime for me.

Sorry I couldn't get to the good part rn :(

But see you in the next part! :)

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