Bugs, Powers, and (not) Friends

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Two and X left the Equation Playground and headed towards the area with all of the stores.

Near the stores, there was a small fountain, and near that small fountain was Nine. He was hanging out with some feminine Algebraliens.
"*Giggles* Wonderful day, isn't it?" They said.
Nine then noticed Two.
"Oh look. It's that ugly green number Two."

"HEY! Green's not ugly!"

"What are you even doing here?!"

"I was WONDERING if you know where Six is!"

"Well, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"

"Tell me."

"Oh, I see. If you can beat me in a fight, I'll tell you where Six is."

"Alrighty then!"

"Now let's see how strong those powers are after giving them away to some random object!"

"Some random object? RANDOM OBJECT?!"

Fight   begins

Two uses their remaining powers to strike Nine.

Nine uses scissors to cut Two.

X slaps a bandage on Two.

Then X punches Nine.

Two throws his bell at Nine.

A few power uses, snips, punches and bandages later... 🩹

"Fine! You win."

"We won, now tell us where Six is!"

"I don't know."

"You said you were going to tell us!"

"I lied! I don't know where she is!"

"But do you know anyone that does know?"

"Maybe Five and Ten know."

"Where are they?"

"In the big Unnamed Store, you idiot!"

"Okay, okay."

Two and X headed to the Unnamed Store.

Two wanted to find Five and Ten ASAP. X was swatting at flies everywhere.

"Alright, X, you can get rid of the bugs first, and I'll look for Five and Ten," said Two.

"Yay!" said X.

(I don't think the bugs thing happens until Two Days Left, but why not add it in early?)

X grabbed a fly swatter and smacked bugs everywhere in the store.

One wasp sting and a few minutes of smacking flies later...

"Hey X! Guess what, I found Five and Ten!"

Two led X to the area with all of the candy.

Five and Ten were stuffing bags with as much candy as possible.

"Come on, Ten! Go go go!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"Now let's get out of here before -"

Before they can leave, MePhone4 blocks the door.

"Nope. Not so fast."

"Great!" said Five. "Look what you did, Ten -"

"Both of you are attempting to take all of that candy without paying for it. Not just Ten."

"Now what?" said Ten.

"Drop the candy...

or I'm calling the cops."

Five and Ten look at each other nervously.


"Okay, okay!" said Five. Her and Ten both dropped their bags of candy and ran out of the store as fast as possible.

Two looks at the bags on the floor.


"What is it, Two?"

"I have an idea."

One "I'll take your entire stock" later...

"Hey, Five! Hey, Ten!" said Two.

"Look!" said X.

"We have candy!"

Ten gasps. "Candy?!"

"Yep!" said Two.

"And we'll give it to you if you can tell us where Six is!"

"Ooooh, candy -"

"No, Ten! We cannot fall for their stupid bribe!"

"But I want the caaaaaandyyyy," said Ten.

"*Sigh* Fine. We'll take the candy and tell you where Six is, but you have to beat us in a fight." said Five.

Two started charging up his powers. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," he said under his breath.

You already know what's happening

Five used their powers and so did Ten.

Two used his bell.

X began using his own powers.

Punching, and using bandages.

The cycle repeated until Two and X won.

"Now where is Six?" said Two.


"Tell us."

"Last we saw them, they were with Three and One. Three and One are at the Equation Playground."

"Okay then. Come on X, we're heading back over there."

"Alright, Two!"

Basically since I'm a little tired of writing this part and because I don't exactly remember how Three Days Left went, I will have to look up a video of it and then I will update the story with Three, One, the church fight, and blah blah blah.

So since I'm trying to get to 700 words, see you all in the next part! Bye!

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