Whale See About That

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Silhow, Six, Two and Eight left the picnic area, and looked around a little.

A MONSTROSITY of a bird squawked near an area marked off by traffic cones.

Traffic cones? PATHETIC.

Silhow used his knife to slice one and went through.

Blues were talking about markers.

Silhow saw stairs and a platform, so he tagged Two because Two knew what to do.

Two aimed their powers at the left and shot.

A yellow thing fell from something holding it, and a gate opened.

After that, the friends all got back on the boat.

The friends went through the gate that Two opened.

"Hey, Blue!" said Two when he ran into a Blue. "Wanna join your friend Blue at the waterfall?"

"Of course I will!" said the Blue. "I thought you'd never ask!"

The Blue left.

Two ran into another Blue and asked the same question.

"Sure! I love making bridges!" said another Blue.

The friends reached land again. Two tagged Silhow and Silhow cut a traffic cone. Then he crushed a watermelon and found a cheeseburger.

Friends hit the water road again.

Land again.

Silhow went into a door.

stairs, then a room

"Wow!" said Two. "Look at all these cool plants here! ... Hmmmm... Seven..."

"Seven?" said Eight.

"That's the name of this plant here. It has seven leaves."

"Awwwww, it's so cute!" said Six. "It kind of reminds me of something... But... I can't remember what..."


Silhow continued walking and his friends followed.

A Blue was sitting around.

"I say that Green Marker's experiment has a fourteen times seven plus forty-four divided by eleven minus two percent chance of success!" they said.

Then a slimy looking  b u n n y  decided to fight.

Fight begins

Two attacked Slime Bunny!

Two passed to Six!

Six used her powers and their bat to knock the ball out of the park.

Silhow attacked the slime bunny.

The slime bunny fucking died.

A ladder and a platform.

Silhow tagged Two.

Two aimed his powers at the left and knocked a Blue into the gate.

Another fight.

Fight beeeeeeegins

Two does their trick and hits the snot bubble.

Silhow used his ultimate attack. (Not the friends ultimate attack, that's different.)

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