Silhow gets fucking confused

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Silhow and friends left where Four was.

Climbing down ladders and seeing the end of the highway.

There is nothing here, this is the end of the highway. There is only void.

Silhow, Six, Two and Eight ran a short distance and Silhow found the key that matched the first letter of his name.

The S key.

3 keys left...

And there was a hole.

Silhow went into the hole.

It looked... sort of like water... Then Silhow saw...


After that, Silhow was no longer in the hole.

Silhow saw the toll gate.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" said Pastel Feather. "Anything happens to that and they'll have my feather stem!"

Going near Four... Climbing more ladders...

Silhow tagged Six and they smashed a hole in a wall.

Six tagged Silhow.

Silhow sliced a blossom looking thing and another mushroom.

Silhow jumped on the mushroom. (No, it didn't make him bigger.) He crushed a watermelon jumping up and found jam packets. He jumped off the cliff place, bounced off the mushroom, and left after hitting the ground.

Another ladder. And after the ladder, a weird looking place. A trench... A bridge...

Silhow decided to cross the bridge.

Then, the friends were on a weird platform.

"Wow! Just look at this place," said Two. "There's so many cool plants around. I bet Seven would have really liked it here. Seven... he would have really liked it... right, guys?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they would have," said Eight.

Six seemed upset.

"Huh? What is it?" said Two.

"Hey, I have a serious question," said Eight. "Do any of you remember what Seven looks like?"

"Why do you ask that, Eight?" said Six.

"Let's see here..." Eight continued. "Seven... Seven loves taking care of flowers... and taking photos of his friends. They're warm, calm, and gentle... and even when he's upset... they'll always manage a smile. The rest... is starting to get a little fuzzy."

"It's okay... Me too, Eight," said Two. "It's like I still miss them, but... It's kind of hard to remember why."

"But that doesn't change anything, right?" said Six. "Even if our memories aren't as strong as they used to be... we still have to save him! Seven is our friend... And more importantly... he needs our help!"

"You're right, Six," said Eight. "I think we've been apart from Seven for way too long."

And I hope it stays that way.

"But I'm sure we'll find them... as long as we have Silhow to keep us on track."

"All this time, Seven has been waiting for us," said Six. "They could be lost... lonely... or scared... I bet he could use a big hug right now!"

I'd be glad to give it to him.

"Then when we're all together again... We should all give him a big ol' hug!" said Two. "Heh, heh..."

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