Spiders, Trees, Houses, and Treehouses

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X, Two, Six and Eight had a picnic with Four. And by that, setting up a picnic near his grave.

Sugar Cookie being paranoid like usual.

"The spirits have been howling all day... I pray for this neighborhood. Someone will be grieving tonight."

Sugar Cookie may sound crazy...

But what if he was right?...

The friends left the graveyard.

Then they went to Five and Ten's house.

They left and X picked up a coin.

X and friends then went to One's house.

Weird to see Divide's room empty (of anyone).

Visiting One's grandma! ^_^

Going allllll the way to the plaza.

X threw his coin into the fountain.

Going to Two and Eight's house.

Then to Two and Eight's room.

There was a spider on the largest trophy.

Eight was fucking afraid.

"What's wrong, Eight?" said Two. "Oh, I know... There must be a spider in this room. Don't worry, Eight, I got you! Now where is that pesky little -"

Two noticed the spider.

"I got you now!"

He used his powers to kill the spider.

They turned to Eight.

"It's alright, Eight," they said. "The spider's gone!"

"... Show it to me." said Eight.


"Show me the spider."

"Oh, that's right."

Six moved over and Two walked over to Eight.

"See? It's really dead. I'm gonna go flush it down the toilet now, okay?"

Two left the room.

"And I'm back! But the spider is gone! It's like magic!"

Eight calmed down.

"*huff* Thank goodness..." said Eight.

"Eight, I feel like your fear of spiders has gotten worse," said Two. "You should really try to work on that! What if a spider shows up when I'm not here?"

"*gasp* You really think that could happen?"

"Man, Eight... This is one of those rare times when I feel like the big brother!"

Playing video games and Two is napping.

Then the friends left the room.

X went into the parents' room and looked around, then left Two and Eight's house.

Going into Nine's house.

Nine was playing video games.

X went to the door of his house.

"It looks like the sun is about to set," said Eight. "Did you want to go see the treehouse now, X?"

"Yes!" said X.

The friends went into the house.

Six looked around.

"Wow... I guess this place really has changed, huh X? When I see how much change this is, it feels all so sudden. This feels a bit random, but I hope you can find some peace here... or you know... some happiness."

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