Finding your friends

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Silhow went to the entrance of Dream Resort.

Two was standing there.
He turned around.

"Hey, Silhow!" they said. "Can you BELIEVE what happened not that long ago? We were all -"


"- forced into signing CONTRACTS! Now we all work here and I'm the one who tells directions and stuff. Dream Resort is that way. Come on, Silhow, let's find our friends Six and Eight!"


Two and Silhow went towards the entrance, and on their way, a bunch of fruits started trying to sell a bunch of stuff.

"Want this DEFINITELY NOT ROTTEN MILK? Made from the freshest underwater cows!" :)

"Want this PEACH COBBLER?! It's amazing! ... that's all I get paid to say." :|

"Want a CHAIR? It'll make you cool!"

"Want KEY LIME PIE? It's made from limes AND NOT KEYS!"

"Want :)? It's XD! TRY ;)! It'll make you :>!"

"I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK!" said Silhow. "Well, except for the chair and the smiling emoticon. First of all, because this a fucking BFDI FANFIC, NOT INANIMATE INSANITY, and second of all, go away, Price Tag."

Price Tag made an >:( face.

"Why are you breaking the fourth wall?" Price Tag said angrily.

Silhow took the rotten milk, peach cobbler, and key lime pie and removed Price Tag from the dream in the sound of Hot Milk when it temporarily turns scary.

Then, Silhow and Two went over to the picnic blanket and Silhow inserted the fake Four that would piss the real Four off.

"Hello, Silhow! Stop disappearing, please," said the fake Four.

Two angered him in one word.

They screeched.

"No more screechy please," Silhow said.

Four zipped their lips.

The three had a picnic together.

Then, Two and Silhow went into Dream Resort.

They went to the front desk.

"Asterisk goes..." said Asterisk.

Silhow and Two listened to the various BFDI Mini contestants using walkie-talkies.

Then Rose noticed them.

"You little troublemakers," she said. "What are you up to now?"

Fight begins

Silhow is happy!

Two uses his powers.

Rose said "Ow."

Silhow used his powers.

Rose was defeated lol

Fight ends

Two and Silhow noticed David and Dora.

"Welcome to Dream Resort!" said David. "Let us know if you need anything!"

Silhow and Two ran from Frozen Yogurt and ran into Ice Cube.

"Gah, it's just one thing after another this week," she said. "I want REVENGE!"

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