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Partially climbing a ladder starts.

However, Silhow's friends wanted to look in the mirror first.

Silhow saw his friends smile warmly behind him.


"Let's play peekaboo with the mirror!" said Six.

"Let's not," Silhow said quietly.

But his friends didn't listen.

Turning backs, looking back at the mirror. Over and over and over again. Then...

About the tenth time they looked back at the mirror...

Their reflections became distorted. Their pupils increasing in size, their mouths stretching, colors getting lighter or darker, and Silhow partially becoming... YELLOW.

Silhow screamed.

"Okay, don't do that again. We have things to do. Let's go."

Silhow and friends climbed up the ladder and ran over to the bomb.

Silhow read the different things on the bomb.



(There was a third one, but Silhow didn't read it. 🧩)

He activated the pattern puzzle. The bomb sunk into the ground and a little button thing came out of ground.

Silhow had to walk on the buttons in the correct order.

He didn't really know the pattern, but he saw three portals. Silhow went into the blue one.

He found a bunch of Blues studying things.

One Blue on a ladder was even trying to figure out an imaginary number.

Going to one of the next areas, there was a Blue sweeping and another near a screen.

"Greetings, visitors!" said the Blue near the screen. "Would you like to see something cool? This machine can perform remote teleportation! With the power of modern technology, I can send this Teardrop to the other side of the grid! Take a look!"

The Teardrop was teleported to the middle left portal.

"What!? An error? ... Someone must've messed with the program. *sigh* It was probably Periwinkle again...
She always pulls stunts like this."

Silhow went through the first portal and got teleported to the other side.

He walked across the portals, trying to find the pattern.

The Blue said, "Dang it, Periwinkle! Everything was fine this morning!"

Then, a second place. Apparently, something else that could help.

"Hey there, visitors," said another Blue. "I'm been leading an experiment on Blue through Blue movement! You've come just in time to watch us conduct our final test!"

The Blue moved closer to the area.

"Are you ready, gang? Let's do it just like we practiced!"

They all went in and only one popped out in the bottom center.

Silhow looked at the screen.

sad trombone noises

Silhow and friends ran around a little.

A third place... Hmmmm...

"Huh? What are you looking at me like that for?" said the Blue nearby. "Can't you see that I'm busy? Actually.. I just got an idea! On second thought, can one of you Algebraliens try running through these metal plates for me? I just want to test something. Why don't you discuss it amongst yourselves and vote?"
(AMONGUS TEFENENCE?!?!?!!?!!?!!!!1111??!1?1!1?!!!?1)

Hmmmm... Who should help Blue?


"What?! Why do I gotta do it?" said Two.

"Because I said so!" said Silhow.

also because you're in best Algebralien timeout for shunning Six a bunch of parts ago

"Fine... But I don't have a good feeling about this."

Two tried the middle left.


Bottom left?

Top left?

Top center?

Not the middle center (center center) or the bottom center.

The middle right?
Whew... No spikes...

Two tried the rest and they both hurt.

"AHA! I knew one of these spikes was broken!"

"Wait - ALL of them had spikes -"

"If I had a cup of coffee right now, I would sip it! Thanks for voluntarily risking your life! Well... I guess now I gotta go fix it."

"SILHOW! WHY?" said Two.

"I don't know," said Silhow.

"Please... Don't make me do that again," said Two, crying a bit.

"Alright," said Silhow.

Two went to the screen. The Blue was going to fix the spikes, but then the spikes popped out and then the Blue fucking died.

Two tagged Silhow.

Then there was a fourth place.

"Hello visitors! I FINALLY FUCKING MADE A BLUE HOLOGRAM MACHINE!!!!! Don't they look just like the real thing? *sniffle* I couldn't be more proud..."

Silhow walked through the holograms, but the one in the middle top wasn't a hologram.

"Periwinkle told me to stand here, but I don't know why!"

Another blue portal.

Silhow went in and him and his friends were back at the beginning.

The friends ate the red gelatin and climbed up the ladder.

Two was on the pattern button thing now.

"Go on! We believe in you!" said Six.

Two remembered the pattern.
Middle left... Bottom center... Middle right... Top center!

The floor started shaking. The pattern sank back in, and the bomb rose back up.


Silhow read the third one finally.


Silhow activated it. The bomb sank in again, and a floor with a computer appeared.

The green portal was activated.

Climbing down the ladder and going over to Four.

Being near the picnic basket for a moment

And that's the end of the part. See you in the next one!

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